суббота, 11 января 2020 г.


All the prophecies until the end of the century ( Graven image, 7 churches, 7 seals, 7 trumpets, great fight, beast and false prophet ) have received, you can see that the end is nigh  ( Mt 24.19-34 ).


News, based on the performance of these prophecies, proclaimed and is proclaiming to peace, warning all, that time will soon grace and advised everyone to get ready for the second coming of Christ  ( Matt 24.14 ).

Also the message recording, restoring the print - SATURDAY OF GOD (Rev 7.1-4). At the same time is warning of the beast  ( Rev 14.9-12 ).

When everyone heard the news and decided to take (and escape) or reject (and be deleted), while grace will forever ( Rev 22.11, Luke 13.24-25, Jer 8.20 ).


Note: At the same time, the Church of God is in the process of sifting: those who are Christians in name only, leave the Church, and in their place come true, sincere souls from the world  ( Heb 12.26-27, Is 17.6, Rev 6.13, Matt 25.32, Am 9.9, Luke 22.31- 32 ).

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