суббота, 5 августа 2017 г.


What is the first command of creation written in the Bible? What was the result?
"And God said, let there be light. And the light became" (Gen 1.3).

How are the light created and the light of the gospel interconnected?

"Because God, commanding from the darkness to shine the light fallen our hearts, to enlighten us by the glory of the Lord in the face of Jesus Christ" (2 Cor 4.6).

What do people were, hear the teachings of Christ?

"And were the teachings of him, for his word was with power" (Luke 4.32).

What testified to the power of the words of Christ?

"And attacked them with horror, and eugenicist between themselves: what does it mean that he, with power, commands the unclean spirits, and they come out?" (v. 36).

How did God heal people in antiquities?

"Hath sent His word, and healed them, and delivered them away from their graves" (Ps 107.20).

How lieutenant witnessed his faith in Christ?

"Lieutenant said: Jesus! I am not worthy to have you under my cover; but just say the word, and my servant is to recover" (Matt 8.8).

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