понедельник, 23 сентября 2024 г.




The prophecy is given for the good of the people and should be carefully being studied (Am 3.7, Deut 29.29, Matt 24.15). This is the light that shows when and where in time we live (2 Pet 1.19, Matt 24.15-20).

The Lord uses similarity in visions, or characters (Os 12.10, Abb 2.2) : "I spoke to the prophets and visions, and multiplied through the prophets gave parables".


God revealed to Nebuchadnezzar in dream events which were to occur in the future, in the form of a giant :

a)  head of gold  (Babylon)

b)  silver chest and hands  (Medo-Persia)

c)  the copper belly and thighs  (Greece)

d)  the iron legs  (Rome)

e)  feet of iron mixed with clay (divided kingdom)

The stone fell from the sky, hit the giant with the feet and broke it into pieces, and the stone became a great mountain and filled the whole earth (the coming Kingdom of Christ).


After the Kingdom of grace is a Kingdom of glory.


This land was given to man to dwell upon creation (Is 45.18 , Ps 113.24, Gen 1.26-27).

After the fall of the Lord promised to return land once again in his possession (Gen 17.7-8, Rom 4.13). This promise also includes a new earth (Is 65.17-19, 2 Pet 3.13).

The capital of the new Kingdom would be a New Jerusalem (Heb 11.8-10 ; Rev 21.2,10-27, 22.1-5). Subjects of the Kingdom will be tested the revival, in the hearts of the written Law of God (John 3.3-5, Jer 31.31-34, 2 Cor 3.3, Rev 22.14).

They will receive possession of the land after the creation of new heavens and a new earth in the end of the thousand years (Acts 26.6-8, Ezek 37.12, Matt 25.34; Is 65.17-25, 66.22-23; Rev 21.1-5).

Christ is King. He will reign on David's throne, and of His Kingdom there shall be no end (Is 9.6-7, John 18.37, Luke 1.31-33).


Principles of the moral Law, which created the original relationship and is preserved in the Temple of God in heaven, are identical with the principles of the Law of God's reign in the Kingdom of glory - there will be Ten principles (Rev 11.19, 22.14-15, 21.27).


In the vision of Daniel we find additional information regarding the prophecies on Earth.


The content of the vision :

1. Four larger beast, coming out of the sea (Dan 7.1-8)

2. The Court  (v.9-10) :  "Judges sat down and opened the books"

3. The plight of animals (v.11-12)  -  breaking

4. The Management Board and the Kingdom passed to Christ  (v.13-17)


Explanation :

1. Sea and water mean peoples  (Dan 7.2-3, Is 8.6, Rev 17.5)

2. Winds mean war and struggle  (Dan 7.2, Jer 49.36-37)

3. Animals are symbols of the Kings  (Dan 7.17, Jer 50.17)


Four beasts four world kingdoms :

I. LION   -   Babylon

II. BEAR   -   Medo-Persia

III. LEOPARD   -   Greece



The ten horns of the beast refers to the ten kingdoms which was divided into Rome between 351 and 476 A.D.  :


The Alemans (Netherland)  I

The Franks (France)             I

The Burgundians (Spain)      I

The Zuevs (Switzerland)       I -> 7 modern European States

The Visigoths (Germany)      I

The Saxons (England)          I

The Lombards (Italy)            I

The Herulis

The Vandals

The Ostrogoths


Horn with mouth and eyes are a symbol of church authority. He speaks against Supreme, oppressing His saints and flouted His Law (Dan 7.25).  The next dock appealed that the Papacy :

1. It destroyed 3 rebellious Kingdoms: Herulis (493), Vandals (534) and the Ostrogoths (538). After the destruction of the Ostrogoths Vigilij the Pope got the power over the rubble of Rome.

2. The Papacy has assigned himself titles that belong to God : "Holy Father" and "Lord God Pope". Pope declares himself a God on Earth, and sets own infallibility in matters of faith.

3. The papacy brought death to millions of Saints, which it described as "heretics".

4. It changed the fourth Sabbath commandment.

5. It shall continue for a period of “time” (1 year), the "times" (2 years) and “semi-time” (6 months), i.e. 42 months or 1260 prophetic years (538-1798 A.D.). On 538, was destroyed by the last government, was opposed to the Papacy, and in 1798, with the arrest of Pope Pius VI, Pope has lost political power.


After 1798, followed by :

  - The Court in the heavenly sanctuary (Dan 7.9-10,26 ; Rev 11.18)

  - Destruction of the earthly Kingdoms (Dan 7.11-12, Rev 19.19-20)

  - Attack of the eternal Kingdom of Christ (Dan 7.13-14,18,22)

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