суббота, 28 сентября 2024 г.




Revelation , chapter 12


The Bible calls the "sky":

- atmosphere (Gen 1.6, 8.20 ; Jer 4.25)

- sidereal space (Gen 1.14-17, Rev 6.13)

- Heaven, where God lives, or the third Heaven (2 Cor 12.2-4 ; Rev 2.7, 22.1-3)


Explanation of the vision :

1. The wife is a symbol of the Church of God (2 Cor 11.2)

2. The Sun - symbol of the Gospel of Christ (Mal 4.2, John 8.12, 2 Tim 1.10)

3. The Moon - profigurative (Old Testament) era before Christ (Col 2.14-17 ; Heb 8.1-5,10.1)

4.12 stars - 12 Apostles (Matt 10.1)

5. Dragon - the devil and the earthly kingdoms, through which it works (Dan 7.17,23)

Note: So, this applies to pagan Rome, where King Herod wanted to kill Christ and Pilate gave Him to be crucified. So the Dragon well is a symbol of pagan Rome and its power.


The war, which satan fought in heaven against Michael (Christ), precisely illustrates war which he leads through their wicked slaves against the children of God in this world.


Wife fled from persecution "in the wilderness" on 1260 years, where God cared for her (Rev 12.6,14).

Satan repeats his prosecution through papacy of Christians, who sought refuge in the Alps - the Waldensians (v.13-15).

His wife (the Church) was facilitated by the reformation and the discovery of the New World - America (v.16).


Satan makes desperate efforts to pursue “the rest” - those who obeyed the commandments and gives has a testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy  Rev 12.17, 19.10).


The BEAST is the earthly Government. He (the beast) as well as Daniel, symbolizes Rome, because :

1. Both had 7 goals (horns)

2. Both had 10 horns (that's 10 kingdoms)

3. Both were God's people to "time, times and half-time"

4. Both were one and the same throne as the Dragon gave the beast great power


Deadly wound and capture the beast (Rev 13.3,10) indicated that at the end of the 1260 years of the papacy will lose support of the secular power.

Note that the Dragon is a pagan Rome, and the beast (from the Dragon power) - PAPAL ROME.

The beast that ruled over the whole of Europe and was ruled by religion, because all had to worship him.


The beast has a name with a numeric value of 666.

The name VICARIVS FILII DEI  (Vicar of the Son of God)  :


V = 5                  F = 0                D = 500

I  = 1                   I = 1                 E = 0

C = 100              L = 50                I = 1

A = 0                   I = 1                ---------

R = 0                   I = 1                  501    

I  = 1                   -------

V = 5                     53                                                   112

S = 0                                                                          + 53      =      666

-----------                                                                     + 501



It is written on the tiara of High Priest of the Pope.


Later on the field activities will be also different beast.


The first beast (his power and kingdom) will be destroyed at the second coming (Rev 19.19-21).


Another, or two-horned, beast symbolizes a separate authority, independent of the first beast, because :

1. The beast in itself, it is a Government.

2. He sees and observes the movement of the first beast.

3. Two-horned beast of a FALSE PROPHET (image of the beast), which will be destroyed together with the first beast upon the second coming of Christ.


This two-horned beast  -  United States of America   because :

1. Their escalation occurred when the first beast was injured and was in captivity.

2. He “came out of the Earth”, i.e. gained power, buying land, not usurp their.

3. He rules in the New World, but not in Europe, because Europe is the first beast.

4. It does not have the wreaths (crowns) on the horns, as the first beast, therefore it is not monarchy it is Republic.

5. TWO HORNS is guiding principle of freedom, religious and political.


Another beast will force everyone to take the mark of the beast - observe Sunday instead of Saturday.

For this he took the image of the beast and will legislate religious character  (about Sunday).

It will do wonders, for example, to call the spirits (spiritualism) and so is False Prophet.


God in his mercy sent angels to warn against worshiping the image of the beast and admission his mark  (Rev 13.12, 15-17; 14.9-14).


In 318, the Emperors Constantine and Licinius issued the edict (edict) of freedom for Christians and return them to the selected property.

But the Catholic Church challenged the rights of the Church of God. Therefore, this decree referred only to Catholics and their church is "legitimate" and "Holy". So Constantine decided. His Decree ended religious freedom for Christians. Members of the Church of God were declared heretics.


Constantine introduced the compliance with the so-called "day of the Lord" - the first day of the week as the day of Sun in the year 321.

Later, in the year 365 Laodicea the Catholic Church banned the observance to give Saturday.


The Catholic Church was exempt from public services, and it also supported at the expense of the Treasury. In addition, they have the right “to correct the misguided" (Church History of Evzebius).


Therefore, the following led to the first beast :

1. Recognition of the Catholic Church

2. Change of the Sabbath

3. Prosecution of Saturday observing

4. Carrying out other dogmas (heresies) the same methods


The Constitution of the United States says : "Congress shall make no laws relating to the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" (Amendment 1, part 1).

But in the last 40 years appeared many movements, requiring the adoption of such laws.

Example : February 29, 1892 in the upper house of Congress announced the decision, in which the words "this is religious people" and "this is the Christian nation". It follows that Christianity is the true religion of the United States.


Recently, the clergy come to the Congress with the enactment of the day Sunday.

In the 1892 in Chicago was held world exhibition, and Congress granted the request of the Catholic clergy to close it on Sundays, not reckoning both with the law of God and the Constitution of the United States.

Today almost every State has "Sunday laws", although they all have an exception on the Sabbath day.


From here, you can see that in the United States the image of the beast is in the process of formation.


Observance of the Sabbath is a sign of allegiance to God.

Jerovoam dedicated to the celebration of the golden calf, was a sign of allegiance to him and a sign of worship the idols (1 Kings 12.28-33).

From these and other examples show that adherence to a certain day is a sign of fidelity to the object of worship.


Therefore, there Sunday is a sign of worship to church authority (the beast) and MAY NOT be familiar to the worship of God, as it is FALLING AWAY.

The Catholic Church respects and forced all to observe Sunday as a symbol of HIS POWER, though for it accepts and ACKNOWLEDGES that THERE IS NOT A COMMAND OF CHRIST.


Thus, the Sunday is THE MARK OF BEAST or SIGN of him.

According to the prophecy, the image of the beast (United States) will force all to respect and ensure respect Sunday and don’t respect Saturday. Then those who consciously observe Sunday, WILL WORSHIP THE BEAST and receive his script (Rev 3.14-17).

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