пятница, 13 сентября 2024 г.




God told Israel in Sinai to build Him a sanctuary in the image shown to Moses on Mount (Ex 25.8-9, Heb 8.5).


It consisted of two parts - the Holy and the Holy Holy, separated by a curtain (Ex 26.33).


In the first part were :

- lamp (Menorah)  (Ex 25.21-39)

- table with the bread (Ex 25.23-30)

- the golden altar of incense (Ex 30.1-10)


The second was the ARK (Ex 25.10-22).


On the Ark, you can say the following :


a) there was God 's constitutional Law  -  the Decalogue  -  two stone (Deut 10.1-5 , 1 King 3.9). The Law requires obedience from all (Ex 24.12 ; Deut 6.25,13-14). He claims the death of all who violate it, "THE SOUL THE SINNED THUS WILL DIE" (Ezek 18.4). Cover the Ark was called the THRONE OF GRACE, that meant that God will be merciful and gracious to all repentant sinners (Ex 25.17-22, 37.6-7, 33.16-17).

b) a sinner, or the grace of grace all of God, under the conditions that he REPENTS and BELIEVES IN CHRIST, which appeared in the cloud between cherubs on the throne of grace (Ex 25.22, Lev 16.2, 1 Cor 10.1-4).

c) in the Law of Moses, in which were all the sacrifices and ministering in the sanctuary, were about the Ark (Deut 31.24-26, Heb 10.1-3).

d)  the elbow of Levi was service at the Sanctuary (Num3. 5-8).  Only Aharon and his sons could to serve as priests (Num 18.1-7).  Only The HIGH PRIEST could to serve in the Holy Holy  (Lev 16.2, Heb 9.7).

e) all of the sin offering (priests, society, chiefs, people) was back to sanctuary.


Conditions for forgiveness of sins and reconciliation :


- Sinner offered the sacrifice without blemish, laid his hands on her head, professed their sins and kill her

- After that the sin was postponed in the sanctuary or by blood, which the priest sprinkled over the golden altar, the veil (Lev 4.5-7,17.17) or through the sacrificial meat, which is eaten in a Holy priest site (Lev 4.24-26, 6.26, 10.16-18).

- Through this sins were forgiven and it turned out reconciliation for them (Lev 4.30, 26.31).


Thus there have been throughout the year until the day of judgment.

On the day the priest was first reconciliation for yourself and your family by Taurus (Lev 16.3, 6.11-14), then for ALL ISRAEL :

- throwing the die on two sawhorses to know what for the Lord and what for scapegoat (Azazel) - (Lev 16.5,7,8 -10). Goat for the Lord was killed by the priest (Lev 16.15) and his blood (the his life - Lev 16.15-19) was sprinkled on the throne of grace, that we may meet the requirements insurance law requiring the death of sin (Lev 16.15-19). IT IS A SYMBOL OF CHRIST.

- After that the priest was leaving the sanctuary, laid his hands on the head of the scapegoat (a symbol of Satan) and confessed the sins of Israel (Lev 16.20-22).


Goat for the Lord was a symbol of Christ, who died for the sake of reconciliation of sinners (John 1.29, 1 Pet 3.18, Rom 5.11). Scapegoat (Azazel - the Arabs an evil spirit who lives in the desert) was a symbol of Satan.

As all sins were transferred into the sanctuary through the sacrifice for sin and after cleansing had been assigned on the scapegoat, after which he was put into the wilderness to die - So all the sins of the rescued, where Satan is involved in sin, will assigned on the same day that it affected, for the part that HE TOOK ALL THESE SINS.

Since reconciliation was made over the 10 Commandments in the Ark, this Law is PERFECT and is obligatory for EVERYONE (Is 18.8, Jac 1.25).

The EARTHLY SANCTUARY, and this Ministry was the ONLY MODEL OF HEAVEN - SANCTUARY and Ministry there (Heb 9.1, 8.5).


Heavenly sanctuary built by God, and the Earth was in his sample (Ex 25.40, Ps 102.19, Heb 8.2).

The earthly sanctuary and serving it LIFTED a cross.


Seven lamps (Zach 4.2, Rev 4.5), the Golden altar (Rev 8.3) and ARK (Rev 11.19) was located in the Temple of heaven.

For the first time after the Ascension of Christ we find the throne of God in the situation with the Church offices, where there are 7 fixtures and the Golden altar, the Holy (Rev 4.2-5; 8.3-4) :

"And immediately I was in the spirit; and, behold, a throne was standing in heaven, and upon the throne there was Sitting next... And the seven lamps were burning before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God, and another angel came, and became a golden censer; and he was given many incense to it with the prayers of all the Saints, laid it on the Golden altar which is before the throne of God. And the smoke of the incense ascended with the prayers of the Saints before God from the angel's hand".


When will the Court of heaven, the throne was transported to another Department (most holy place), where is the Ark : "And then the Temple of God in heaven, and the ARK OF COVENANT in the Temple it" (Rev 11.19).


Jesus Christ is a Priest of the heavenly sanctuary (Heb. 3.1, 4.15, 8.1-2).

Ministry in the heavenly sanctuary could not begin before the Ascension of Christ, because :

a) stood ground Sanctuary (Heb 9.8);

b) was the priesthood of levits, and Christ was not the High Priest yet (Heb 7.11-14);

c) was not brought the TRUE SACRIFICE FOR SIN (Christ) required MAY FOR RECONCILIATION (Heb 8.1-3, 9.11-14, 24-26).


The Ministry of Jesus began in the first part of the heavenly sanctuary, and not on Earth (Rev 4.5, 5.6, 8.3).

As the people of Israel received the remission of sin after their confession, and now the sins are forgiven when we believe them (Lev 4.24-26, Ps 32.5, 1 John 1.9).

If sins were transferred into the sanctuary through the sacrifice for sin, then and now, but there are sins through prayers, i.e. spiritual sacrifices (Hos 14.2, Heb 13.15, 1 Pet 2.5, Rev 8.3-4).


Sins, in the Sanctuary should be reconciled and removed from there (Lev 16.14-19). In the same way in the heavenly sanctuary of sins will be reconciled and smoothed down after "2300 evenings and mornings", which ends in the year 1844 (this date will be explained below), i.e., the cleansing of the sanctuary began in this period (Dan 8.14).

This Act of reconciliation is to come in the second part - the Holy Saints of heavenly sanctuary.


The blood of sacrifice was sprayed over the lid of the Ark on Earth. In the same way Christ brings his blood in the Holy of Holies. "Once upon a time, toward the end of the century, was to destroy the sin by the sacrifice of Himself"    (Heb 9.27).

Reconciliation takes place there on the Ark with the 10 commandments, which REMAINS as valid (Deut 10.4-5, Rev 11.19).

Reconciliation is carried out only on those sins, which says the Decalogue, for without the law sin is not taken into account (Rom 7.7, Jac 2.8-12, 1 John 1.7, Heb 9.12-14).

Teach that reconciliation is carried out over some other sin is not specified - the 10 commandments - distortion of the GOSPEL (Matt 15.9, Gal 1.6-9).

"But in vain they honor Me, teaching doctrines the commandments of MEN".


GOAT for the LORD - the symbol of Christ (Rom 5.6-8; Heb 9.11-14, 23-26).

The SCAPEGOAT is a symbol of Satan (Lev 16.20-22, Rev 20.1-3).


But as memories of the sins, you must research the matter to determine who has fulfilled all the conditions of reconciliation (Dan 8-10, Rev 20.12). Only then will the final purification of the sanctuary.


Note: Ministry in the heavenly sanctuary from the Ascension of Christ till the end of time of grace. See about theme #128 "Court".

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