понедельник, 12 июля 2021 г.



Many of the heavenly bodies and their movement reveals the creator.

Location of galaxies in the universe is not chaotic, but like the cells of the comb, says astronomer Vorontsov-Velyaminov.

Atoms are stellar systems. "We were surprised to feel how”

(Louis Thomas, "a View From The Eye Of The Gorter," Discover, April 1981, p. 69).

"The power has all of these items and keeps them there" (Readers Digest, July 1962, p. 38).

"All laws require Lawmakers, considered by many scholars, including Wernher von Braun (the National Enquirer, February 10, 1976).

The formula   E = mc2   shows that creation occurred through energy transformation (E) and matter (m).

The big bang theory - complete gibberish. Such things as blast bombs, could not build, but only destroy!


Our Earth is at an ideal distance from the Sun (on average, 149.6 million km). If it were not so, the temperature on earth would be too high or too low.

It revolves around its axis at a constant speed ( 1 times in 24 hours ), else to everything living on it died. Earth's axis is tilted  ( after the deluge - Genesis 8.22 )  to 23.50. If the angle was more would be very cold winters and very heat summers.

The atmosphere is 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen. If there was more oxygen, more items are inflammable. Lightning form compounds of nitrogen and oxygen, which fall to Earth with rain and fertilise it. Carbon dioxide

( less than 1% ) is necessary for plant life. The ozone layer filters out harmful radiation. The atmosphere protects the Earth from meteorites and creates changeable appearance of the sky. This might not be a coincidence.

Water-the source of life, is three modular conditions and commits a turnover. Water never frozen to the bottom.

You cannot otherwise explain the phenomenon of fertility (water and nutrients from the soil), the presence of the chemical elements and microorganisms as creationism.


For living beings and plants are characterized by:

- complex molecules

- many types

- Commonwealth (animals + the hermit)

- "nature" (factory production of chlorophyll, capillary rise of water in the 50-100 m up speeds of up to 60 m/h)

- an amazing structure of seeds and their distribution in many ways

- the birds singing and much more

Surprising behavior of birds and animals showed that administered Divine mind. The survey did not find: work of beavers, flights of birds for thousands of miles, the inventive work of bees and ants etc.


The science of BIONICS confirms the greatness and wisdom of the creator:

Air conditioning - ventilation of the dwellings of termites

Aircraft - wings of birds

Antifreeze – matter (Glycerin) in trees

Scuba tanks - water beetles

Clock - many animals with an orientation to the Sun, tides, stars

Compasses - chains of particles in bacteria, butterflies, birds, dolphins

Desalination - seabirds, penguins

Electricity - electric rays and electric anguillas ( electric pressure 60-886 VOLT )

Agriculture - acromyrmex engaged in gardening

Incubators - delaying in the sand the eggs of birds and turtles

Jet motion - Octopus and squid

Lighting - fireflies

Paper - wasps and hornets nest

Rotary engine - bacteria through frill "corkscrew", which move at the speed of 50 km/h

Echolocation - the bats

Submarines - nautiluses

Thermometers - tendrils mosquito catching changes to 1/1500

«Ask the animals, and will teach you, the birds of heaven, and usher you; or speak with the Earth and guide you, and tell you the fish Ocean " ( job 12.7-8 ) .


Features unique to humans, in animals.

INSTINCT is what drives the surprising behavior of animals:

- flights of birds, with "map" in your head

- build nests of different species

- the harmonious work of termites

- the language of bees

- the use of "Diving Bell" spider etc.

Animal behavior is always the same.

They are not free to think and to creativity.

However, their complex behavior could lay in them only the creator.


Believe in evolution because:

1. Evolution is not served at once as a theory, but it gradually "drive in" in the head

child through images, etc. so we should watch closely to teach our children.

2. Scientists claim that "only the ignorant do not believe in evolution."


3. Many religions have become insolvent because of heresies and debauchery among the clergy, as well as persecution for beliefs.


4. Many believe in evolution, because such a majority.


"Do not follow the majority. retreating on most of the truth " ( Ex 23.2 ).


"Apply to the law and to the testimony"  ( Is 8.20 ) .

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