вторник, 22 января 2019 г.


When a sinner confesses his sins and turns away from them, then the Lord about drew him ( 1 Jn 1.9, Ps 31.5 ).


It permanently removes the sins that made man ( Jeremiah 31.34 , Ps 102.12 ).

The faithful sinner then is Christ's obedience and righteousness ( Rom 5.17-19, 4.24 ).


Justification through FAITH ALONE, not through works. "We recognize that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the law" ( Rom 3.23 ).

Then God looks on the flawed human life as the perfect:

"Who will accuse God's elect? God justifies them " ( Romans 8.33 ).

Righteousness, close to him through Jesus Christ makes it whiter than snow ( Is 1.18, Ps 50.9 ).


Quite the same sin confess ONCE ( 1 Jn 1.9 ).


God gives the grace and power through the Holy Spirit to resist temptations and be obedient to God in everything
( Eph 3.16 , Phil 2.13 , Col 1.11 ).

To obtain the promised assistance needed WAKE ( Matt 24.42 ) AND PRAYER :
«All prayer and petition pray at all times " ( Eph 6.18 ).


Note: Revival and justification by faith is an integral part of the plan of salvation and go from the fall until the end of time of grace.

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