среда, 15 июня 2022 г.



God WILL us be pure and immaculate. It is an order to strive for perfection.
In an immaculate person there is no cunning that there is a lie and deception. For example, when a TV master, who alone understands the device and repairs the TV and deceives the owner, saying that it is necessary to do, getting several times a large fee, it is a trick and is, and he is a liar and thief.
The trick is Satan's method. The One who deceives Satan is called a fool by the Bible. The fool thoughtlessly believes in every, faithful - only the Word. A fool lets Satan and his people deceive themselves, and he studies scriptures immaculately.
The immaculate are literate and principled, and whoever gives Satan a fool is his disciple.
Jesus was tested by Satan in the desert. But He did not allow Satan to make himself a fool and the Word won.
He told us that we were walking like sheep among wolves (wicked and enemies). And they must be as simple as pigeons, but wise as a thing of the way, and then we will not fall into satanic traps. The pigeon symbolizes the Holy Spirit.
Everyone who follows Jesus will win, because everything he does is done in his name. And we must love each other with all our hearts, like new, born-again people.


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