понедельник, 21 ноября 2016 г.




The main reason for disbelief there is a lack of trust.

It is manifested:

- unwillingness to hear ( Zach 7.11-12, 2 Pet 3.5-6 )

- non-confidence to heard ( John 5.44-47, 16.9 )


Disbelief appears in a sinful hardened heart.

"Look, brethren, that - would not have been in the heart of evil and wrong, that you don't back off from the living God" (Heb 3.12).

Unbelief is a great sin, because it makes the person a judge on God and His word :

John 16.9   -   "Оf sin, because they do not believe in Мe"

1 John 5.10  -  "Faithless God represents Him a liar”


Examples of unbelief:

- faithless people before the flood

- lack of inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah

- lack of Israel in the wilderness

- PARTICULARLY the GROWING DISBELIEF in recent times ( Luke 18.8, 2 Tim 3.1-5,13 )

ARROGANCE is to eliminate (defiance) law or commandments of God and the performance of something else in the hope that God will accept them and in this ministry ( Num 15.30, 31, 14.40-45 ).


During the purification of Earth from sin unbelievers and arrogant will be out of the new Jerusalem.


Note: The faith in the Gospel of the promise begins seed (Christ) and ends at His second coming.



Faith is the substance of and confidence in an invisible and is by hearing and reading ( Heb 11.1, Rom 10.17-18 ) .


For meaningful faith should:

- Understanding ( Matt 15.16, Luke 24.45 )

- Knowledge ( Rom 10.14-18 )

- Trust (1 Jn 5.14, Eph 3.12)


Three reasons for confidence in the Scriptures:

1. This is the inspired Word of God ( 2 Tim 3.16-17, 2 Pet 1.21 ).

2. This is the truth ( John 17.17 ).

3. The closer the end of time, the more we are convinced of the truth of the Words,

because ALL the PROPHECIES are EXECUTED ( 2 Pet 1.19 , Dan 12.4, 9.10 ).


Without FAITH IT is IMPOSSIBLE to PLEASE HIM ( Heb 11.6 ).

We have to pray on the strengthening of our faith ( Mark 9.24, Luke 22.32).


God always will perform all the prayers in his time and His way, if they agreeing to his will and his word. "And this is the confidence we have in him, that, where we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he is no hearings into us in everything, why should we not ask - know that GET REQUESTED OF HIM" (1 Jn 5.14-15 ).


Only believer obedient, docile and only believe ( Ezek 36.26-27, Rom 3.31 ).


Faith must be supported by DEED ( Jac 2.17, Eph 2.10 ).


Read   Hebrews 11   -   Heroes of the faith



When a sinner confesses his sins and turns away from them, then the Lord about drew him ( 1 Jn 1.9, Ps 31.5 ).


It permanently removes the sins that made man ( Jer 31.34 , Ps 102.12 ).

The faithful sinner then is Christ's obedience and righteousness ( Rom 5.17-19, 4.24 ).


Justification through FAITH ALONE, not through works. "We recognize that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the law" ( Rom 3.23 ).

Then God looks on the flawed human life as the perfect:

"Who will accuse God's elect? God justifies them" ( Romans 8.33 ).

Righteousness, close to him through Jesus Christ makes it whiter than snow ( Is 1.18, Ps 50.9 ).


Quite the same sin confess ONCE ( 1 Jn 1.9 ).


God gives the grace and power through the Holy Spirit to resist temptations and be obedient to God in everything

( Eph 3.16 , Phil 2.13 , Col 1.11 ).

To obtain the promised assistance needed WAKE ( Matt 24.42 ) and PRAYER :

"All prayer and petition pray at all times" ( Eph 6.18 ).


Note: Revival and justification by faith is an integral part of the plan of salvation and go from the fall until the end of time of grace.

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