Francis continues to amaze!
the Vatican released a policy document, which for the first time recorded the
official refusal of missionary work among the Jews. From now on, the Jews -
according to the Catholic doctrine - are the only people on Earth who do not
need the "good news" of Christianity for the salvation of their
souls. It turns out, despite the fact that the Jews do not believe in Jesus,
Catholic theologians recognize the salvation of the Jews as "theologically
indisputable" and declare this glaring paradox "an insoluble divine
mystery". Like, if the Almighty promised to save the Jews, he himself will
cope with this task - without the help of Christians.
revolutionary step in the development of Christian theology was timed to coincide
with the 50th anniversary of Nostra Aetate, the declaration of the Second
Vatican Council, which largely revised the attitude of Catholicism towards
Judaism and condemned attempts at forcible baptism of Jews.
Recall that
until the 1960s, every Good Friday, Jews were accused of "treachery",
read - crucifixion, and this accusation was removed from the liturgy by the
Second Vatican Council, which announced that "the covenant between God and
the Jews continues to operate". Now
the Holy See has taken the next step, declaring the voluntary initiation of the
Christian faith by the Jews to be superfluous.
document entitled "Gifts (i.e., gifts to the Jews) and God's call are
irrevocable" contains a number of important messages. In particular, it is
noted that Christians cannot be anti-Semites, since their religion is rooted in
Judaism. Moreover, at a recent meeting with Jewish religious leaders, Pope
Francis stated that anti-Semitism is not only attacks on Jews, but also
speaking out against Israel.
The idea is erroneous, as are many of the doctrines of the Roman Catholic church that "has declared its authority above the authority of the Holy Scriptures". Which, by the way, says that the Gospel intended to save the FIRST JEWS, and then Hellen (Rom 1.16). There are tons of other similar texts in the New Testament, which once again confirms: the doctrine of the Catholics is FALSE! With this statement, the Pope is pursuing only political goals.
This is not the first lie. We are also aware of their own unbiblical version of the Ten Commandments without the second of them and unauthorized changes from the biblical Saturday (Ex 20.8-11, Heb 4.9-10) to Sunday after the fourth century, the pagan doctrine of the immortality of the human soul, while it is known to be immortal only God (1 Tim 6.16), the infallibility of the pope and the priests, at the time how every person is sinful and in need of salvation (Rom 3.10,23).
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