суббота, 18 сентября 2021 г.



– – – – – – – – – – – – – – (world view) — — — — — — — — — — — — — —



1. Being and nothingness

According to Scripture, God is not a fiction and indeed there is, and all that we see, and what not to see, really exists, and is not the subject of our imagination. This is indicated by the existence of many languages, the verb "to be" in the present tense [ Ich bin (German), Je sui (Franch), I am (English), Я є (in Ukrainian) ]

I Am the alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

Revelation 22.13

We live and move and exist.

Acts 17.28

NOTHINGNESS  -  is the place where is something that does not exist. So cone the other world's applications, which do not actually exist, as there was no horizon (an imaginary line between the sky and ground).

In sheol *, wherever you go, no work, no reflections, nor knowledge, nor wisdom.

Ecclesiastes 9.10

* Note. Sheol (Hebrew) - nothingness. Related terms: grave, hell, tartarus, but NOT gehenom.


2. Space and time, intelligent creatures

The Apostle Paul in a speech on the Areopagus in Athens said:

By blood alone He produced the entire human race to living across the face of the Earth by assigning predefined their TIMES and  BUTTINN, so they searched for God ...

Act 17.26-27

SPACE is caused by availability and a relative positioning of subject matters.

TIME due to events and their sequence.

Without the existence of objects and events they make no sense.

Last words point to a free choice of rational beings with a free mind, who are like him who made their Supreme Beings (Genesis 1.26).


3. The visible and invisible world

They (Christ) created all that is in the heavens and on Earth, visible and invisible.

Colossians 1.16

VISIBLE WORLD - the world of material

INVISIBLE - world of spiritual

These two worlds are an integral part of life, but not one primary and one secondary - THEY are COMPLETELY equal and interrelated.

There is one body and one spirit, just as you are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and father of all who is over all and through all and in all of us.

Ephesians 4.4-5

* Our title - MAN (and CHRISTIAN)


4. Measurement of the material world and knowledge

MATTER is that perceived Analyzers (sense organs).

It is caused by only the objects and events.

The world we see is three spatial and one temporal dimension (x, y, z, t). We see the eye width, height, depth, and time, the current evenly and in one direction (an argument).

Linear dimensions are also mentioned in the Bible (Ephesians 3.18).

                                                                                        * * *

For what can be known of God *, CLEARLY to them, because God revealed to them

(Romans 1.19).

* The Bible teaches that knowledge of the existence at all is the knowledge of God as Creator and of his nature (verse 20). What we need to know, He reveals to us in due time. Matter is the substance (matter) and the property of the substance.


5. The spirit world and its basis

The SPIRITUAL WORLD is a world of senses, emotions, experiences (though not considered adopted parsers).

God is spirit (John 4.24) and is not a matter. It cannot be understood senses and cannot comprehend. It has no beginning and no end and is perfect the supernatural being. It's out of matter (and hence space and time), and above it:

Can studies find God? Can completely comprehend the Almighty? He is above the heaven-what can you do? Deeper into the underworld (see p.1) - what can you learn?

Job 11.7-8

To communicate with the creatures. God accepts them intelligible images. One of them, son of man, Jesus Christ (John 1.18).

Having the spirit God has given them some of the creations (Genesis 1.26).

The spiritual world as God, can have an infinite number of dimensions.


6. Nature of living beings

Creatures - animals and man are different from other creations by breath of life (Genesis 2.7, Ecclesiastes 3.19).

Spiritual life separate from the human body is NOT POSSIBLE:

His spirit goes forth, he returneth to; in that day his thoughts perish.

Psalm 146.4

But God is the only thing in the universe is an immortal creature - may provide Their immortally to mortan creations (1 Timothy 6.16).

                                                                                        * * *

Humans have free will and their desire to affect their lives (Galatians 6.7-8).

The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 6.23


7. Origin of the universe. God is love

God as Creator is a Legislator and established laws of nature for all creations and the moral law - ten commandments - for intelligent beings as the Constitution of the universe (Isaiah 45.12, Exodus 20.2-17).

It is also not important, because the universe is worth It (Collosians 1.17).

We can therefore assert that the universal disaster is impossible, and be totally calm, becausewe come to know the love that God has for us, and believe in it. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him”.

1 John 4.16

We love him because he first loved us.

1 John 4.19







   Что запрещает девятая заповедь?


   «Не произноси ложного свидетельства на ближнего твоего» ( Исх 20.16 ).


   Примечание.  Эта заповедь защищает права, интересы и репутацию наших ближних, сдерживая наши разговоры и приводя слова в соответствии с истиной.




   Какое наставление дал Иоанн Креститель воинам, просящим у него совета о том, как жить?


   «И сказал им: никого не обижайте, не клевещите, и довольствуйтесь своим жалованием» ( Лука 3.14 ).




   Что является признаком совершенства человека?


   «Кто не согрешает в слове, тот человек совершенный, могущий обуздать и всё тело» ( Иак 3.2 ).




   Как Христос учил тому, насколько важно сдерживать свою речь?


   «Говорю же вам, что за всякое праздное слово, какое скажут люди, дадут они ответ в день суда: ибо от слов своих оправдаешься и от слов своих осудишься»                                    ( Матф 12.36-37 ).




   Кто знает все наши слова?


   «Ещё нет слова на языке моём,- Ты, Господи, уже знаешь его совершенно» ( Пс 138.4 ).




   О чём свидетельствуют наши слова?


   «От избытка сердца говорят уста» ( Матф 12.34 ).

ברוכים הבאים ! ברוכים הבאים


שעות ומקום מפגש

 קבלת שבת

לינקולן 4 ירושלים (צמוד למלון אלדן, הסמוך לרחוב דוד המלך)

19:00-20:00 קבלת שבת – פרשת השבוע

20:00-21:00 קידוש וארוחת ערב

שבת הלל

לבונטין 2, קומה 4 (פינת אלנבי 121), תל אביב

9:30-10:00 שעת תפילה

10:00-11:00 שיעור שבת

11:30-13:00 הלל מרכזי

13:00-14:30 ארוחת צהריים






   Какое главное правило, изложенное Христом, применимо во всех отношениях между людьми?


   «Итак во всём, как хотите, чтобы с вами поступали люди, так поступайте и вы с ними» ( Матф 7.12 ).




   Каким правилом, по словам Иисуса, я должен руководствоваться в своих отношениях с другими людьми?


   «Возлюби ближнего твоего, как самого себя» ( Матф 22.39 ).




   Как человек должен проявлять свою любовь к другим?


   «О, человек! сказано тебе, что - добро, и чего требует от тебя Господь: действовать справедливо, любить дела милосердия и смиренномудренно ходить пред Богом твоим» ( Мих 6.8 ).




   Как нужно относиться к ближним своим, чтобы иметь с ними хорошие отношения?


   «Ничего не делайте по любопрению или тщеславию, но по смиренномудрию почитайте один другого высшим себя» ( Фил 2.3 ).

пятница, 17 сентября 2021 г.



"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the

The Lord ... Put on the armor

Of God, that you may become

against the Wiles of the evil ".

Eph 6.10-11


11. Summary conclusions


It's time to take stock of what we know about the Saturday:

a) Saturday is an eternal monument to the creation and the creative power of God;

b) Saturday is also a reminder of the Lord's death and a sign of sanctification

and redemption in Christ Jesus;

c) Sabbath day for us - it is a sign between us and God, and seal (symbol) loyalty to Him;

d) This day in all centuries followed God's children of all nationalities;

e) It given to us for the joy of communion with God and his people, and his celebration

brings blessing;

f) God never changed the day of worship on Sunday or another day,

not been canceled and cancels it, although people have dared to do this against his


Here's briefly what the Bible says about Saturday. This may differ from your

tradition knowledge or the teachings of the Church, but that's it. Make the right choice-

obey God and keep his Sabbath (Acts 5.29). If anyone has this desire,

I suggest you pray right now:


Heavenly Father, the great and good! I am writing to you in the name of Jesus. I sincerely

Thank you for this word about your true Saturday. Lord, forgive me, that I did not-correctly understood your will to abide by the precepts of human, not Yours. You multiply in me and give me strength to follow all your commandments and teach others how to Lord Jesus. Because every commandment of yours and Yours is constant and will be Saturday stand forever and eternity.



No. 190

Only for you, the Savior,

Always ready to go,

To the heavenly house,

Lord, I could walk.

Wish you all the strength

In service to give away,

And faithful to the grave

Stand for the truth.

You only believe

Bulwark in the struggle,

I beg you:

Whether you're close to me.

Grant me the heart of joy

And the Golden Shield, faith

So I feel the sweetness of

En route to the Holy land.






12. List of recommended literature


I. Texts from the Bible:

Gen 2.2-3;

Ex 12.16, 13.6, 16.23-29, 20.8-11, 23.12, 31.14-17, 35.2;

Lev 16.31, 19.3, 23.1-44, 24.8;

Num 15.32-36, 28.10, 29.32;

Deut  5.12-15;

2 Kings 16.18;

1 Par 9.32, 23.31.

Nehem 9.14, 10.31, 13.15-22;

Is 56.2-7, 58.12-14, 66.22-23;

Jer 17.19-26;

Weep 1.7, 2.6;

Ezek. 20.12-20, 22.8, 22.26, 44.24, 45.17, 46.1-3;

Os 2.11;

Am 8.4-7 ;

Matt 12.1-12, 24.20.

Mark 2.24-28, 3.2-4, 6.2;

Luke 4.16, 4.31, 6.1-2, 13.14-16, 23.54-56;

John 5.16-18, 7.22-23, 9.14, 19.31.

Acts 1.12, 13.14-44, 15.21, 16.13-14, 17.1-2, 18.1-4;

Col 2.16;

Heb 4.1-11;

Rev. 1.10, 14.7.


II. Book of the Spirit of prophecy (E. White):

1) "Patriarchs and prophets"; Zaoksky, “Source of life”, 1994, pp. orig. 111 [].

2) “Prophets and Kings” Zaoksky, “Source of life”, 1993; s. 74, 112-118, 421, 422, 376-378.

3) "Desire of ages" ("Christ is the hope of the world"); Zaoksky, “Source of life”, 1993;

pp. 14, 135, 137-139, 158, 194-200, 556-557.

4) "Acts of the Apostles"; Kaliningrad, “Kaliningrad Pravda”, 1992, p.350.

5) "The great controvercy "; Kiev, " Visnik miru", 1993; with. 45-47, 404-425, 436-438, 537-546, 557-

559, 570-574, 580-581, 595, 589, 599-600.

6) "Steps to Christ"; Pasific Conference Press Publishing Association, Montain View, California, 1980;

pp. 54-55.

7) "My life today" (morning read); Serpukhov, "Source of life", 1994; c. 44, 51, 75, 145, 165, 174, 203, 240, 258, 262, 282.

8) "For youth"; Serpukhov, "Source of life", 1994; p. 310-311.


III. Other references:

1) Junuor Encyclopedy; Moscow, "Education", 1964-67; Vol. 1, pp. 296-298; t. 2, p. 151, 152, 236-238; Vol. 8, pp. 302-305.

2) J. Zabello, "Planet for Robinson"; Sumy reg. publishing, 1991; p. 95.

3) "Biblical prophecy. The book of Daniel and Revelation "(ed. R.N.Volkoslavsky); Zaoksky, “Source of life”, 1993, pp. 63-64.

4) N. Nosov, “The papacy and his fight with orthodoxy”; Moscow, "Strizhev Center", p. 15-17.

5) Frank Holbrook, "God's builders" (lessons from the Saturday school on 4th quarter of 1993);

Zaoksky, “Source of life”, 1993; pp. 75-79.

6) Frank Holbrook, "God's Providence" (lessons from the Saturday school on the 2nd quarter of 1994);

Serpukhov,  "Source of life", 1994; p. 53-59.

7) E. Douglas, "Christ humiliated and glorified" (lessons from the Saturday school at 3rd quarter, 1994) ; Serpukhov, "Source of life", 1994; pp. 65-71.

8) “Keeper Cookbook "; Moscow, 1989; Vol. 1, pp. 167-174.

9) "Biblical doctrine"; themes 5, 19, 21, 35-37, 39-42, 45, 50-51, 55-56, 67, 75-77, 79-83, 88-89, 94-96, 109-112, 117, 121-124, 130, 133-134, 144, 149.

10) “Voice of prophecy "(cognition of the creator of the universe), themes 17-20, 28-33, 35.

11) “Psalms of Zion" ; Moscow, "Patmos". 1927; No. 60, 134-173, 282, 365, 190, 32.

12) George Knowles, "A world in need of love"; Zaoksky, source of life, 1993; pp. 21, 69, 72, 88, 94, 112, 149.

13) Vitaliy Krichevsky, “A festive Jewish cuisine" ; Appendix to the "The age", Riga, 1990; pp. 7-8.

14) R.Pearson, "To God against the elements"; Moscow, "Tidings of hope”, 1992; pp.129-141.

15) "Guide to the Bible"; Kiev, " Visnik miru”, 1992; pp. 74-90.

16) «Christian reader», 1990 (Yearbook of the SDA Church); Moscow, 1989; pp. 81, 96-97.

17) "In the beginning was the word ..." (basics beliefs of SDA); Zaoksky, “Source of life”, 1993; c. 265-270.

18) Robert Odom, "three missing from the book of Revelation; Kiev, " Visnik miru ", 1993; pp. 10-11,18, 25-32.

19) Brian Jones, "the Three tidings" (the Saturday school lessons for 4th quarter 1994); Serpukhov, "Source of life", 1994; pp. 44, 53-59, 90.

20) "Three-angels message" (comment to lessons for teachers); Zaoksky, “Source of life ", 1994; pp. 36-41, 48-53.

21) Maurice Beskem, "So I send you" (lessons from the Saturday school for 1st quarter 1994); Zaoksky, “Source of life ", 1993; pp. 51, 82-94.

22) Andrea Christensen, "Rules of a happy life" (Bible lessons for teenagers); Serpukhov, "Source of life", 1994; pp. 39-45.

23) Arthur Maxwell, "God and the future"; Pasific Conference Press Publiching Association, Mountain View, California, 1967 (in Russian); pp. 47-56, 33-35.

24) Arthur Maxwell, "Christ and the day of the coming"; Odessa, “Chernomorye ", 1993; pp. 25-29, 43-54.

25) Arthur Maxwell, "Alone with the Bible"; Serpukhov, "Source of life", 1994; pp. 221-228.

26) George Vandeman, "Not blind faith" ; Tula, 1992; pp. 45-46.

27) George Vandeman, “Rebel planet" ; Moscow, "Message of hope", 1993; pp. 290-311.






   Пристрастен ли Христос к некоторым людям?


   «Все вы, во Христа крестившиеся, во Христа облеклись. Нет уже Иудея, ни язычника; нет раба, ни свободного; нет мужеского пола, ни женского: ибо все одно во Христе Иисусе» ( Гал 3.27-28 ).




   Какую заповедь мы имеем от Бога?


   «И мы имеем от Него такую заповедь, чтобы любящий Бога любил и брата своего» ( 1 Иоан 4.21 ).

שיעורי שבת


בבית בני ציון

