суббота, 12 сентября 2020 г.



And the Lord said, My Spirit forever not be neglected people.

Genesis 6.3

The only sin that will not be forgiven men - sin against the Holy Spirit.


Antiquated world perished due to contempt exhortations and precepts to the spirit of God.

According to Christ, condemned to be everyone who sins against the Holy Spirit

( Matthew 12.31 ).

The Activity Of The Holy Spirit

As the Sun's rays to support life in the physical world, and the Holy Spirit is what brings all the good will and desire in the spiritual life of man:

Fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.

Galatians 5.22-23

Christ said that the Holy Spirit is the Guide into all truth, that God (and never unbiblical). In addition, he is the Reliefer in our sadness and Herald of the future Kingdom of God. He is also a swift witness sin and witnessed "on truth and the Court".

The influence and the action of the Holy Spirit are:

a) in prophecy ( 2 Pet. 1.21 )

b) in Scripture ( 2 Tim 3.16-17 )

in the law of God) ( Romans 7.14 )

Consequently, where the word of God is preached, and where people know the law of God, and makes its Own work of the Holy Spirit, ENCOURAGING PEOPLE to turn to God.

And only those souls who are turning to God with all our heart, he does work on the revival of the new and eternal life. THOSE WHO DISREGARD ITS MESSAGES, ARE AT RISK OF BECOMING PERPETRATORS IN SIN THAT WILL NEVER BE FORGIVEN.

What is the sin against the Holy Spirit?

It's not just that anyone uttering blasphemous words against God and his spirit, but other words and deeds.

Not everyone who says to me, Lord! Lord! ", will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but that executes the WILL of MY FATHER in heaven.

Matthew 7.21

Many people do not receive the remission of sin, and Christ did not recognize them. They were blasphemous words, on the contrary, many prayed, called upon the name of God and even created the wonders of that name. But Christ tells them: DEPART FROM ME, MAKING LAWLESSNESS.

Matthew 7.23

Lawlessness is what a person does not, as written in the law of God, and vice versa:

Whosoever does sin is lawlessness; and sin is LAWLESSNESS.

1 John 3.4

Examples of lawlessness:

- production of pictures and images, and worship them; disrespect for parents and infringing the other commandments, including the Sabbath (exodus 20.2-17)

- violation of the commands of Christ by faith and baptism of the Lord's Supper

- other

But the situation of such a person is not hopeless, he hardened his heart, and learn about your SIN, wants to get rid of it.

The condition of the remission of sin-confession of guilt and confession (1 John 1.9, Prov 28.13)

When a person learns about his sinful condition, the spirit of God leads man to confess his sin and leave. He continues to work on a person when directing it into all truth.

If the people opposed to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and does not repent, the spirit of the remaindering him, and then the man himself could not come to repentance. The sins that man is not conscious, remain not-forgived ( Num 15.30-31 ).

The poet MUST listen to the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit and take HIS INSTRUCTIONS with joy. One of the manifestations of the spirit of unforgiveness sin the middle ( Jac 2.13 ) and not attitude ( Matthew 5.7 ).


The blasphemy against the Holy Spirit-the destruction of The Temple, that is our body ( 1 Corinthians 3.16, 6.19-20 ): drunkenness, smoking, bad food and stuff.

Because God has called us to the filthiness, but to holiness.

1 Thessalonians 4.7

Our attitude to the voice of the Holy Spirit:

While it says: now, when you hear His voice, do not hard your hearts, as in the murmuring.

Hebrews 3.15

And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, that you are in the day of Atonement.

Ephesians 4.30

The spirit of God speaks to our hearts and invites us to repent of our sins. He invites us to leave and blur out them before God  ( Isaiah 44.22 ).

How great was our sin, he can BE FORGIVEN. If our heart is increasingly harsh, and we do not wish to accept the love and mercy of God we abuse of The Holy Spirit.

Being introduced in this, let us turn to God with the words of David:

Create in me a clean heart, o God,

And right spirit renew within me.

Sins are not me from Thy face,


Psalm 51.12-13





Песня из кинофильма "Бармен из "Золотого Якоря"


            Стены, стены, как уйти от стен,

            В те места, где их нет совсем.

            Выдумать моpе в гоpодской чеpте,

            Солнца кpуг в голубой воде.


            Отоpвись от забот,

            Пусть тебе повезет.

            Слышишь, море поёт, зовёт,

            Еще один весенний день - и тpонется лед.


            В городе полдень, все спешат, но спят.

            Шум машин, но часы стоят.

            Выдумай ветер и рискни догнать,

            Вслед за ним и не надо ждать.


            Оторвись от забот,

            Пусть тебе повезет.

            Слышишь, ветер поет, зовет.

            Еще один весенний день - и тронется лед.


            Оторвись от забот,

            Пусть тебе повезет.

            Слышишь, ветер зовет: Споём.

            Еще один весенний день и тронется лед.

המלך הראשון של ישראל

מהספר   אבות האומה ונביאי ישראל

קרא   פרק   נט   בעמוד   450



   Как известно, человеческий глаз является очень сложным и нежным органом тела, безусловно созданным Творцом, который необходимо оберегать от повреждений особенно тщательно. Зеницей называется сам глаз, зрачок, радужная оболочка глаза, определяющая его цвет.

   «Он нашёл его в пустыне, в степи печальной и дикой; ограждал его, смотрел за ним, хранил его, как зеницу ока Своего» ( Второзаконие 32.10 ).

   «Хранить (беречь) как зеницу ока»  -  означает очень бережно и трепетно сохранять что-либо.

пятница, 11 сентября 2020 г.




You must make every effort to recover from it. Deliverance from sin - THE GREAT JOY ( Luke 15.10 ).


True repentance

Christ and the Apostles began his sermon with a call to repentance ( Matthew 4.17, Acts 2.36-38 ).

In order to change our lives, we must leave the sin, REMOVE SIN FROM OUR HEARTS.

No need to impose a heavy burden on the pace your body, away from public life, making pilgrimages and ceremonies. To obtain the grace of God, we put one condition:


Repentance is connected with the inner experience:

> for the forgiveness of sins ( Acts 3.19 ), and through inheritance is the Kingdom of Heaven ( Matthew 18.2-3 ).

The Council of the Apostle Paul:

The Brethren! Don't be a kids mind: evil be as children, and for the mind to be major.

1 Corinthians 14.20

Treatment should be so deep experience that when we fall into press of doing evil, we must behave as helpless babies. WHEN WE HAVE TO WELCOME, YOU SHOULD CONSUME ALL ABLE-MIND, TO MAKE IT MORE COMPLETELY.

If a person is told that he is wrong, and warn about the consequences of sin, and he repents and leave sin, he WILL BE FORGIVEN of his sin, and no one, not even God, never remembers (Ezek. 33.14-16).

CONTACT - means to turn towards God. Usually people go to false opposites side, farther and farther from God.

This is well illustrated in the parable of the prodigal son: first he leaves from his father in someone else's side where his estate, she then after bitter experience, said father:

I have sinned against Heaven, and before thee, and am no longer worthy to be called your son.

Luke 15.21

So to each of us to ask the Father, and he WILL love us and WILL FORGIVE US OUR SINS.



Confession is necessary for our pardon (1 John 1.8-9).

Hiding their crimes will not have success; and who is QUALIFICATIONS and the REMAINDERING them, HE WILL BE pardoned.

Proverbs 28.13

We must experience this TRUE REPENTANCE, lamenting about their sins and turn away with disgust. We need to humble your heart and CONFESS our sins.

Manifest sins should be God ( Psalm 32.5 ). The Lord never sent to confession to a priest:

Yes leave the unholy path and the unrighteous their thoughts - and TURN to the Lord, and HE WILL HAVE MERCY UPON him, and to our God, for He is much-grace.

Isaiah 55.7

If we have transgressed before brother (offended or put in the temptation), we must to excuse before him in this ( Jac 5.16 ).



The most gratifying feeling in life we experience when, to make sin in something, we expect the deserved punishment, but are forgiven and pardoned. And such a joyful experience of God for his great grace gives us the forgiveness of our sins.


I blot your iniquities, LIKE fog, and thy sins, LIKE a CLOUD; come to me, for I have redeemed you.

Isaiah 44.22

After our repentance, God expects us to sin and we have learned to do good ( Is 1.16-18 ).

Many people think that their sins are so large that they will never be forgiven. But it is not of God, and their own whispered of the crafty.

The Lord clearly says:

Everything that the Father gives me WILL COME to me.

John 6.37

We must know that CHRIST TOOK AWAY OUR guilt and DELIVERING for her ( 1 Peter 2.21-25 ). That is why we should forgive their neighbors

( Mark 11.25-26; Jac 2.13; Matthew 5.7, 6.12 ).



My friend, in minutes of wickedness

Deep in the heart does not save.

Forgetting, one forgetting,

Let as fog, they will be held.

My friend, try love again

What you were outraged.

From ill-considered words,

Maybe he suffers from it.

We are not free from error,

We are - the people, but only those

Mind and heart are noble,

Who forgives all in simplicity.

Forgive and you learn in excuse

Your gift to the high show.

And do not be ashamed that in reconsiliation

Do you want first hand writing.



Всё отболит, и мудрый говорит :
Каждый костёр когда-то догорит,
Ветер золу развеет без следа.
Но до тех пор, пока огонь горит,
Каждый его по-своему хранит,
Если беда и если холода.

Раз ночь длинна - жгут едва-едва
И берегут силы и дрова,
Зря не шумят и не портят лес.
Но иногда найдется вдруг чудак,
Этот чудак всё сделает не так,
И его костёр взовьётся до небес.

Ещё не всё дорешено, ещё не всё разрешено,
Ещё не все погасли краски дня,
Ещё не жаль огня, и Бог хранит меня.

Тот был умней, кто свой огонь сберёг.
Он обогреть других уже не мог,
Но без потерь дожил до тёплых дней.
А ты был не прав, ты всё спалил за час,
И через час большой огонь угас,
Но в этот час стало всем теплей.

Ещё не всё дорешено, ещё не всё разрешено,
Ещё не все погасли краски дня,
Ещё не жаль огня, и Бог хранит меня.

בית המדרש לנביאים

מהספר   אבות האומה ונביאי ישראל

קרא   פרק   נח   בעמוד   443   



   «Хлеб наш насущный дай нам на сей день. И прости нам долги наши, как и мы прощаем должникам нашим; и не введи нас в искушение, но избавь нас от лукавого» ( Матфей 6.11-13 ).

   Это слова молитвы «ОТЧЕ НАШ», которую произнёс Христос. Он а является образцовой молитвой, так как когда человек молится Богу своими словами, она должна включать в себя благодарность, покаяние, просьбы и прославление.


   Смысл изречения:  самое необходимое, самое насущное в жизни для продления её.

   Похоже на русскую пословицу «Хлеб - всему голова».


   Утомили меня мои науки и насущный хлеб, который в последний месяц я должен был заработать в удвоенной против обыкновения порции.

    А.Чехов  ,  Письмо Н.А.Лейкину

четверг, 10 сентября 2020 г.



Any creature with a free mind is subject to liability for their actions

( Rome 2.3 ).

Everyone with common understanding, committing crime civil laws invoked in court and after trial shall be punished. It happens that the penguins was justified under certain conditions.

We have a dual responsibility:

1. before the State


A violation of divine laws leads to injury, frustration and reduce our life, which is protected by God's law.

For these violations, we have to answer to the Court of God.

There are different opinions about the Court of God. What the Bible says about this?

The Court for all people is inevitable

Only this I found that God created man right, and people started in many minds.

Ecclesiastes 7.29

Very often in our heart evil thoughts penetrate and knock us on the straight path. God gave us free will to do good and to the evil.

It reserved the right to send a man to the good and to the truth (not to attach its will):

And THINE EARS SHALL HEAR a WORD behind thee, saying: "here is the way to go on it if you avoided to right and if you deviated to the left.

Isaiah 30.21

We are, without a doubt, not once heard the voice of God.

We must remember that take responsibility for their own affairs:

Go on the ways of your heart and vision of your eyes; only know that for all of this, God will lead you to the Court.

Ecclesiastes 11.9

Verse 2 Corinthians 5.10 tells us that before a court will stand ALL without exception, for all were able to distinguish light from darkness, good from evil, right from wrong, and so, BE CONDONED or condemned.

Following the news of the Court made in antiquity:

And I said in my heart: "the righteous and the wicked will be judged by God; because the time for of all things and the Court over every thing there. "

Ecclesiastes 3.17

The Court is scheduled for a certain time ( Acts 17.31 ).

No one can avoid Court, as no one can escape its end-death

( Ecclesiastes 12.14 ).

We must get ready for court, namely:

God now commands all people everywhere to repent.

Acts 17.30

For that, we are in danger of court?

In the Court of God we judged not only for murder, thievery, debauchery, abuse, as in earthly vessels but also for misconduct, the apparent us minor. For example, for their words ( Matthew 12.36, Proverbs 10.19 ).


If you have time to think, before you start talking, then think about whether you want to say, could hurt someone, what you want to say. The Word can not just kill but also to make an evil worse than death.



The human mouth is filled with the fruit of the womb; product of the mouth it is saturated.

Proverbs 18.21

We are responsible for our thoughts, motives, and not only for the deeds and actions (Is 65.6-7, Revelation 20.12).

People in its memory registers all the words. The sounds of our voice and our actions are modern technology and quickly transmitted over long distances. ALL INFORMATION ABOUT OUR LIFE WRITED IN THE HEAVENLY BOOKS.

So don't judge does before the time, until the Lord come, who will light the hidden ...

1 Corinthians 4.5

If we violate at least one of the commandments (without disturbing the others), it does not excuse-gives us from responsibility ( Jac 2.10-12 ).

Who will be pardoned and who was convicted?

Condition of the pardon is a RECOGNITION of GUILT ( Prov 28.13, 1 John 1.8-9 ). For this you need to confess your sins.

Before someone confess?

1. Confess BEFORE GOD, for only he alone can remove us from guilt ( Ps 32.5 ).

2. Confess to each other in their mistakes ( Jac 5.16 ). If you gave your

Another reason for the temptations or something that offended him, then you must confess it before

him and his holy duty to forgive. After this, you need to pray to God for forgiveness,

Since the blessed brother – his creation and, having sinned against brother, we sin against


The only way the knowledge of sin-the law of God:


Romans 7.7

You must understand the meaning of the Act, to verify whether we live in accordance with it, and then to sin, then there is a violation of the law.

We are forgiven of sin only when we, to confess, are LEAVING THEIR (1 John 1.7.) Unconfessed Sin remains on our soul and is the reason our condemnation ( Ps 51.5 ). Cannot be forgiven an arbitrary not-left sin ( Jeremiah 7.9-10 ).

Another thing, if we have sinned unknowingly:

If I had not come and spoken to them, WOULD HAVE NO SIN, but now have no apologies in Sin her.

John 15.22

If we have sinned unintentionally, inadvertently or by mistake, let us remember that we HAVE an ADVOCATE ( 1 John 2.1-2 ). Here it is the vocation of Christianity is that we have not sinned.

The pardon is dependent on the merciful attitude to our neighbors:

Blessed are the merciful, for they will be.

Matthew 5.7


So, knowing:

- that for the forgiveness we need to admit their guilt, and we do it;

- what we confess their sins before God and recognize in their mistakes before those

anyone offended or have entered into temptation;

- we understand the meaning of the law of God and tried to follow it;

- that we leave that, after our ignorance, obliged us to Sin;

- that Christ can forgive us even those sins are imputed to us after treatment

(made by mistake or negligence) if we confess them to God;

- what are we merciful to others, and therefore God is merciful to us-