суббота, 28 сентября 2024 г.




Revelation , chapter 12


The Bible calls the "sky":

- atmosphere (Gen 1.6, 8.20 ; Jer 4.25)

- sidereal space (Gen 1.14-17, Rev 6.13)

- Heaven, where God lives, or the third Heaven (2 Cor 12.2-4 ; Rev 2.7, 22.1-3)


Explanation of the vision :

1. The wife is a symbol of the Church of God (2 Cor 11.2)

2. The Sun - symbol of the Gospel of Christ (Mal 4.2, John 8.12, 2 Tim 1.10)

3. The Moon - profigurative (Old Testament) era before Christ (Col 2.14-17 ; Heb 8.1-5,10.1)

4.12 stars - 12 Apostles (Matt 10.1)

5. Dragon - the devil and the earthly kingdoms, through which it works (Dan 7.17,23)

Note: So, this applies to pagan Rome, where King Herod wanted to kill Christ and Pilate gave Him to be crucified. So the Dragon well is a symbol of pagan Rome and its power.


The war, which satan fought in heaven against Michael (Christ), precisely illustrates war which he leads through their wicked slaves against the children of God in this world.


Wife fled from persecution "in the wilderness" on 1260 years, where God cared for her (Rev 12.6,14).

Satan repeats his prosecution through papacy of Christians, who sought refuge in the Alps - the Waldensians (v.13-15).

His wife (the Church) was facilitated by the reformation and the discovery of the New World - America (v.16).


Satan makes desperate efforts to pursue “the rest” - those who obeyed the commandments and gives has a testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy  Rev 12.17, 19.10).


The BEAST is the earthly Government. He (the beast) as well as Daniel, symbolizes Rome, because :

1. Both had 7 goals (horns)

2. Both had 10 horns (that's 10 kingdoms)

3. Both were God's people to "time, times and half-time"

4. Both were one and the same throne as the Dragon gave the beast great power


Deadly wound and capture the beast (Rev 13.3,10) indicated that at the end of the 1260 years of the papacy will lose support of the secular power.

Note that the Dragon is a pagan Rome, and the beast (from the Dragon power) - PAPAL ROME.

The beast that ruled over the whole of Europe and was ruled by religion, because all had to worship him.


The beast has a name with a numeric value of 666.

The name VICARIVS FILII DEI  (Vicar of the Son of God)  :


V = 5                  F = 0                D = 500

I  = 1                   I = 1                 E = 0

C = 100              L = 50                I = 1

A = 0                   I = 1                ---------

R = 0                   I = 1                  501    

I  = 1                   -------

V = 5                     53                                                   112

S = 0                                                                          + 53      =      666

-----------                                                                     + 501



It is written on the tiara of High Priest of the Pope.


Later on the field activities will be also different beast.


The first beast (his power and kingdom) will be destroyed at the second coming (Rev 19.19-21).


Another, or two-horned, beast symbolizes a separate authority, independent of the first beast, because :

1. The beast in itself, it is a Government.

2. He sees and observes the movement of the first beast.

3. Two-horned beast of a FALSE PROPHET (image of the beast), which will be destroyed together with the first beast upon the second coming of Christ.


This two-horned beast  -  United States of America   because :

1. Their escalation occurred when the first beast was injured and was in captivity.

2. He “came out of the Earth”, i.e. gained power, buying land, not usurp their.

3. He rules in the New World, but not in Europe, because Europe is the first beast.

4. It does not have the wreaths (crowns) on the horns, as the first beast, therefore it is not monarchy it is Republic.

5. TWO HORNS is guiding principle of freedom, religious and political.


Another beast will force everyone to take the mark of the beast - observe Sunday instead of Saturday.

For this he took the image of the beast and will legislate religious character  (about Sunday).

It will do wonders, for example, to call the spirits (spiritualism) and so is False Prophet.


God in his mercy sent angels to warn against worshiping the image of the beast and admission his mark  (Rev 13.12, 15-17; 14.9-14).


In 318, the Emperors Constantine and Licinius issued the edict (edict) of freedom for Christians and return them to the selected property.

But the Catholic Church challenged the rights of the Church of God. Therefore, this decree referred only to Catholics and their church is "legitimate" and "Holy". So Constantine decided. His Decree ended religious freedom for Christians. Members of the Church of God were declared heretics.


Constantine introduced the compliance with the so-called "day of the Lord" - the first day of the week as the day of Sun in the year 321.

Later, in the year 365 Laodicea the Catholic Church banned the observance to give Saturday.


The Catholic Church was exempt from public services, and it also supported at the expense of the Treasury. In addition, they have the right “to correct the misguided" (Church History of Evzebius).


Therefore, the following led to the first beast :

1. Recognition of the Catholic Church

2. Change of the Sabbath

3. Prosecution of Saturday observing

4. Carrying out other dogmas (heresies) the same methods


The Constitution of the United States says : "Congress shall make no laws relating to the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" (Amendment 1, part 1).

But in the last 40 years appeared many movements, requiring the adoption of such laws.

Example : February 29, 1892 in the upper house of Congress announced the decision, in which the words "this is religious people" and "this is the Christian nation". It follows that Christianity is the true religion of the United States.


Recently, the clergy come to the Congress with the enactment of the day Sunday.

In the 1892 in Chicago was held world exhibition, and Congress granted the request of the Catholic clergy to close it on Sundays, not reckoning both with the law of God and the Constitution of the United States.

Today almost every State has "Sunday laws", although they all have an exception on the Sabbath day.


From here, you can see that in the United States the image of the beast is in the process of formation.


Observance of the Sabbath is a sign of allegiance to God.

Jerovoam dedicated to the celebration of the golden calf, was a sign of allegiance to him and a sign of worship the idols (1 Kings 12.28-33).

From these and other examples show that adherence to a certain day is a sign of fidelity to the object of worship.


Therefore, there Sunday is a sign of worship to church authority (the beast) and MAY NOT be familiar to the worship of God, as it is FALLING AWAY.

The Catholic Church respects and forced all to observe Sunday as a symbol of HIS POWER, though for it accepts and ACKNOWLEDGES that THERE IS NOT A COMMAND OF CHRIST.


Thus, the Sunday is THE MARK OF BEAST or SIGN of him.

According to the prophecy, the image of the beast (United States) will force all to respect and ensure respect Sunday and don’t respect Saturday. Then those who consciously observe Sunday, WILL WORSHIP THE BEAST and receive his script (Rev 3.14-17).




   «Пилат, видя, что ничто не помогает, но смятение увеличивается, взял воды и умыл руки перед народом, и сказал : невиновен я в крови Праведника Сего» (Матф 27.24).

   Так передаёт Евангелие слова Понтия Пилата, вынужденного принять во внимание требование черни, подкупленной фарисеями и Синедрионом, о казни Христа. Безвольный Пилат дал разрешение на казнь, боясь бунта иудеев и вреда своей карьере.

   Умывание рук было ритуалом. Оно свидетельствовало о непричастности человека к чему-либо.


   Слова «умыть руки» стали образным выражением, означающим устранение от ответственности за что-либо содеянное.


   Он сказал жене, что отступается от Александра, что как он хочет, так пусть и делает, а он, Пётр Иванович, сделал всё, что мог, и теперь умывает руки.

                 И.Гончаров, «Обыкновенная история»







   Перед казнью фарисеи и римляне издевались над Христом самым изощрённым образом.

   Воины избили Его плетьми и надели Ему на голову венец из колючего терновника.

   «И, сплетши венец из терна, возложили Ему на голову» (Матфей 27.29).

   Слова «терновый венец» стали символом страдания, мучительного пути, трудной судьбы.


   И прежний сняв венок - они венец терновый,

   Увитый лаврами, надели на него :

   Но иглы тайные сурово

   Язвили славное чело…

                              М.Лермонтов, «Смерть поэта»

пятница, 27 сентября 2024 г.




Imprinting occurs between the last two seals, then there is NOW .


The reference of person is sealed in the heart by the Holy Spirit (Eph 1.13-14, 4.30 ; 2 Cor 1.22). But the seal of God from the seventh chapter of Revelation is on human once through the man became a slave of God (Rev 7.3).

This seal consists of three components :

Name - "Lord"

Title - "The Creator"

Territory - "Heaven and Earth"



Saturday is a SIGN between God and his people (Ex 31.13,17 ; Ezek 20.12,20). A sign and a seal - these are one and the same (Rom 4.11), then the Sabbath (Saturday) is God's seal, or His character.


People, the sealed are referenced, are true Christians (Rev 7.3, 14.1-4).

They must be free from any blemish, desecration and guile (Rev 14.5 ; Ezek 9.4).

This "144,000" (a symbolic number, 12 x 12), 12000 on each knee of spiritual Israel. It’s millions of survivors (latest generation), adds to the twelve tribes of Israel, of all people. Each of these tribes will be included in the New Jerusalem initiate their gates (Rev 7.9-10, 21.12).


While all nations preparing for war, angels constrain these wars (winds) until is imprinting.

The news is the recording of the reform of astonishing Saturday after falling stars in 1833. All true things and taking the truth finally will receive confirmation of this from God.




Перші п'ять печаток символізують християнські церкви, що відпали, стали переслідуючою владою, а останні дві відносяться до ознак часу і закінчуються пришестям Христа.




I. Білий кінь, вершник, вінець і перемога - відсутність пороку та гріха, перемога істинних християн у I столітті, до 100 р. (Об'явл 6.1-2).

ІІ. Рудий кінь, вершник і меч - червоний колір означає гріх і розпусту, ознаки відпадання у 100-313 рр. (вiршi 3-4).

ІІІ. Кінь вороний та вершник вороний (чорний) - колір означає зіпсованість (зміна суботи, поклоніння іконам, безшлюбність католицьких священиків) у 323 - 538 рр. (вiршi 5-6).

IV. Кінь блідий і вершник - блідість означає смерть, інквізицію та гоніння у 538 - 1517 рр. (вiршi 7-8).

V. Душі (кров) під жертовником - гоніння на протестантів (1517-1755); білий одяг - їх виправдання (вiршi 9-11).

VI. Явлення останнього часу: землетрус у Лісабоні в 1755 р. (загинули 60000 чоловік), затемнення сонця та місяця, а також падіння зірок (вiршi 12-17).


VII. Тиша на небі протягом «півгодини» (семи днів). Вона продовжується під час Другого пришестя, бо тоді всі ангели залишать небо і прийдуть із Христом збирати праведників (Об'явл 8.1).


   Примітка. Між шостою та сьомою печатками відбудеться попечатання «144 тисяч» - мільйонів праведників.






   «Нет ничего тайного, что не сделалось бы явным; и ничего не бывает потаённого, что не вышло бы наружу» (Марк 4.22).

   Эти слова из Евангелия стали основой для выражения «Тайное становится явным».

   Жизнь не раз доказала правоту этого афоризма.


   После 14 декабря 1825 года, когда всё тайное, связанное с заговором, стало явным, многое предстало перед Пушкиным в новом свете.

                     Б.Мейлах, «Пушкин и декабристы»


   Похоже на русскую пословицу «Шила в мешке не утаишь».





   «И что ты смотришь на сучок в глазе брата твоего, а бревна в твоём глазе не    чувствуешь?» (Матфей 7.3).

   Подобная фраза есть и в другом Евангелии (Лука 6.41).


   Это сказано о человеке, который отмечает мелкие недостатки кого-либо, не видя при этом своих, значительно более крупных недостатков. Такие люди встречаются не только в обществе, но и в христианской церкви.

   Цель притчи - вывести на чистую воду и призвать к покаянию подобных людей, пока не поздно. Это необходимо, так как лицемеры и демагоги не только вредят обществу, но и разрушают церковь.






   Христос благословляє всіх, хто читає книгу Одкровення і дотримується всього, що в ній написано. Її зміст дано на користь усім християнам до кінця часів.


   7 - число повноти Божої (сім церков, печаток, труб, ангелів, виразок, світильників).


   Сім церков представляють істинних християн від дня Христа і до кінця (Об'явл 1.3-7).


   Назви церков :

- ЄФЕС (бажана) - християни I століття (31-100); їх Господь дорікає за те, що вони залишили перше кохання і радить покаятися (Об'явл 2.1-7).

- СМИРНА (пахощі) - християни часів переслідувань (100-313); вони були «бідні, але все ж таки багаті», вони не прийняли хибних юдеїв, які є сатанинське збіговисько і терпіли гоніння «днів десять», тобто 10 років (303-313) (вiрш 8-11).

- ПЕРГАМ (піднесення) - християнство стає державною релігією (313-598). Вони жили там, де престол сатани, але протистояли римському папі і зазнали мук, проте деякі з них трималися вчення Валаама, тобто язичництва (вiрш 12-17).

- ФІАТИРА (залишок жертви) - інквізиція (538-1798). Господь викриває їх за допущення Єзавелі (католицьких священиків) навчати серед неї. Господь також хвалить їх за «любов, служіння та терпіння» (вiрш 18-29).

- САРДІС (радісний спів) - початок часу волі (1798-1831). Господь звинувачує протестантів у тому, що носять ім'я «ніби живий, але мертвий» (Об'явл 3.1-6).

- ФІЛАДЕЛЬФІЯ (братня любов) - зародження руху адвентизму і очікування Другого пришестя (1831-1844). Їм сказано: «Тримай, що маєш» доти, доки не прийде Господь (вiрш 7-13).

- ЛАОДИКІЯ (суд над народом) - період від початку суду до Другого пришестя Христа (1844-?). Лаодикію Господь викриває за те, що вона «тепла» (не холодна і не гаряча) і позбавлена ​​справжнього духовного життя. Тут Христос сказав: «Так говорить Амінь», що вказує на близький кінець світу (вiрш 14-22).


   Кожній церкві радиться прийняти те, що Дух говорить через Слово всім християнам у всі віки.

четверг, 26 сентября 2024 г.




Christ blesses all who read the book of Revelation and comply with everything that is written in it.        

 Its content is given to the benefit of all Christians until the end of time.

7  -  number of God's fullness (seven churches, seals, trumpets, angels, ulcers, fixtures).


The seven churches represent the true Christians of Christ till the end  (Rev 1.3-7).


The names of churches:

- EPHESUS (desired)  - 1st century Christians (31-100);  Lord chides them for what they left first love and advises to repent (Rev 2.1-7).

- SMYRNA (fragrance)  -  Christians during the persecutions (100-313); they were “poor, but all rich", they did not take false Jews, which is a satanic and suffered persecution "ten days", that is 10 years (303-313) (v.8-11).

- PERGAM (elevation)  -  Christianity became the State religion (313-538). They lived there, where Satan's throne, but were resisted by the Pope and have undergone the torment, but some of them were holding the doctrine of Balaam, i.e. Pagans (v.12-17).

- THYATIRA (rest of sacrifice)  -  the Inquisition (538-1798).  God condemns them for their admission of Jezebel (Catholic priests) to teach in it. The Lord also praises them for their “love, devotion and patience" (v.18-29).

- SARDIS (joyful singing)  -  start of freedom time (1798-1831). Lord accuses the Protestants that are named "alive but dead" (Rev 3.1-6).

- PHILADELPHIA (brotherly love)  -  the birth of Adventism and waiting of the second coming (1831-1844). They said: "hold that fast which thou hast" until the Lord will come (v.7-13).

- LAODICEA (the court of the people)  -  the period from the start of the trial before the second coming (1844-?). The Lord reveals the Laodicea that she is "warm" (not cold and not hot) and devoid of true spiritual life.  Here Christ said: "So speaks Amen", which indicates the approximate end of the world (v.14-22).


Every church will accept what the spirit says through the word to all Christians in all ages.


The first five seals symbolize Christian churches have fallen away, with the power, and the last two are among the featured time and end the advent of Christ.




I. The white horse, rider, crown and win - no vice and sin, the victory of true Christians in the 1st century, up to year 100 (Rev 6.1-2).

II. The red horse, rider and sword - red means sin and debauchery, signs of falling away in 100-313 (v.3-4).

III. The black horse and black rider - color means virginity (the change of the Sabbath, the worship of icons, celibacy of Catholic priests) in 323-538 (v.5-6).

IV. The pale horse and rider - pallor means death, the Inquisition and persecution in 538-1517 (v.7-8).

V. The souls under the altar (blood) - the persecution of the Protestants (1517-1755) ; white clothes - to justify them    (v.9-11).


VI. The phenomenon of recent times : the Lisbon earthquake in 1755 (60000 people were lost), the Eclipse of the Sun and the Moon and the fall of the stars (v.12-17).



VII. Silence in heaven as a continuation of the "half an hour" (seven days). She continues at the time of the second coming, because then all the angels leave heaven and come to Christ to gather the righteous (Matt 25.31, 24.31).


Note: Between the sixth and seventh seals will be capturing "144 thousand" - million of the righteous.


Emperor Theodosius before his death divided the Roman Empire into a Western (Gomorius) and Eastern (Arkadius) in year 395.

The sound of the trumpet means war  (Jer. 4.5,19 ; Sof 1.16).  The seven trumpets meant war waged by various peoples of West and East Rome and have led to their downfall.



I. The war of Gothas prepared under the leadership of Alaric that devastated Greece and Italy in 395-419. In 410, Rome was taken and plundered (Rev 8.7 ; "The Greatmodern peoples”, pp. 21-27).

II. The burning pipe cast into the sea. The war of Vandals (Genzerih) war against the West Rome, which took place mostly in the sea, where the Roman fleet was burned. Coasts of Italy were also looted. The Kingdom of Vandals was founded in North Africa (Rev 8.89 ; Ibid, pp. 28-35).

III. "Burning Star". The Huns, led by Attila, who calls himself "the scourge of God" and the plundered countries lying around the Alps, where have beginning of many rivers. Expedition of Atilla like meteor continued short time, in 441-458 (Rev 8.10-11). Also was exist military union between Huns and Vandals.

IV. In 476, Odoacer (Heruls etc.) took Rome and put an end to the authority of Caesars, that is "Sun". Then in the year 493 Heruls were subjugated by the Ostrogoths, and in 541 year abolished Consultat ("Moon") and in 552 year deposed Senate ("Stars") (Rev. 8.12 ; Ibid, pp. 47-56).

The first 4 pipes led to the collapse of Rome to 10 kingdoms.


Between the fourth and fifth pipe Angel heralds the woe three times to follow possible pipes (v.13).


V [the first woe]. Mohammad (Star) and his warriors (locust) spread of Islam the sword after the 622. In 1299, Osman (the founder of the Ottoman Empire) performed the first attack on Greece (East), and the war was continued then 150 days (years) until 1449, when Greek Empire lost its independence (Rev. 9.1-2 ; Ibid, pp. 60-71).

VI [the second woe]. The war, which lasted 1 year 1 month 1 day and 1 hour, i.e. the 391 years and 15 days (July 27, 1449  -  August 11, 1840), when Turkey - Osman Empire - lost its independence (the mass death of the wicked). Since then, Turkey maintained by various countries in Europe, but is constantly being depleted (Rev 9.13-21 ; Ibid, pp. 72-84).


Angel comes at the end of the sixth trumpet (in 1840), and the three angels (Rev 14.6-9) quickly followed him.


VII [the third woe]. The wars after 1844 (beginning of court) is world ready to war and world wars. They will continue until all the Kingdom will not be destroyed. THEN THE KINGDOM WILL BE ESTABLISHED CHRIST (Rev 11.14-18, 16.12-16, 19.11-12).






   «Вы - соль земли» (Матфей 5.13).

  Это слова Иисуса, обращённые в Нагорной проповеди к Своим ученикам.

   Имеются в виду Его настоящие последователи не на словах, а на деле, которые всегда  живут и поступают, как Он. Это и есть подлинные христиане.

   Они не должны полностью удаляться из мира и замыкаться в себе, например, жить отшельниками или в монастырях.  Их место  -  в обществе среди людей, где они обязаны проповедовать Евангелие и показывать личный пример во всём.

   Так говорят ещё о наиболее активной, прогрессивной, передовой части людей, например, видных деятелях науки и культуры или героях.