пятница, 19 июля 2024 г.




The question of the approach to the Bible : how to join to not devoted man?

One young man after biblical lectures said that he will now continue to work on the Bible with him a philosophical way mouse. It could be said: you may do so, but in the end, you will find not a living God, which appears to us in Jesus Christ, and impersonal, pantheistic the God of philosophers. Philosophers read the Bible in terms of their mental categories, but the God who saves us in Jesus, they found.

You now can have access to the Bible and living God, if in fact you start with yourself. Do you want to do this?


1. Know yourself

However, read Romans 3.23 : "Then all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God"

This Word shows us the lost State of the Lyceum of the living God; because of sin, which separates us from him, we do not have access to it, nothing else than we could please him. In the end, we come short of the glory of God. Since the occurrence of sin between the Holy, righteous God and sinful people, us, there is a promise.


2. The only solution

In this situation there are only one, by God, gifted by the exit. The son of God was condemned on the cross for our sins. Jesus came into this world to recover the lost (Matthew 18.11). Otherwise there is no way to salvation (Acts 4.13).


3. Admit your sins

In 1 John 1.9 we read : "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness". The feat of salvation by Calvary, Jesus gives the right to forgive sins. If we follow His call, confess His guilt and ask Him for forgiveness, then he will remain faithful, that is, you can rely on, that he really freed us from the guilt of sin. You should not only think about all this, but also to fulfill!

Do you want to do this? Then say to the Lord Jesus in prayer :

Lord Jesus, today I heard about you and understand why you came to this world. His great love and you love me. You can see all my wine - What I am is currently open, and what has been hidden from me. You know everything: every sinful Act, every disingenuous encouragement of my heart-everything you have written. I have in front of you is an open book. I am not resist to you for what I am. And now I ask you: forgive all my sins and cleanse me. Amen.

Now we told God about the burning issue (1 John 1.8-9). God has a on it Its promise. What do you think, what percentage of fault we forgiven? 80, 50, 10 percent? It is written: "He will forgive us our sins" (v.9). You are forgiven! Everything! 100 percent! You know it's not just assume. The Bible wants us to believe in his salvation. This is confirmed by two passages of Scripture: 1 Pet 1.18-19 and 1 John 5.13.


4. Trust Him

The Lord Jesus will forgive you your sins, you can now trust him with my life. In John 1.12 we read: "But as many as received him, even to them that believe on his name, he gave the right to become children of God". All, that trusting your life in the hands of the Lord Jesus, receive the right to be called the children of God. So, we do not become a  children of God because we do good deeds, are pious or belong to any church, but because they have entrusted their lives to son of God and are prepared to follow him obediently. Say this prayer :

Lord Jesus, you forgave all my sins. It is difficult to comprehend that I still, but I believe your promises. And now I ask you to be entered into my life. Lead and lead me in the way that you enter. I know that you have against me only good intentions, so I would like to trust you completely. help me to abandon all that you abhorrent. Bless my desire to please you, give me an obedient heart, to get me to do Thy will. Let the desire not to pay attention to human opinions, but open to me through your Word to me properly understand it and live it. Be my Lord, I want to follow you. Amen.


5. Accepted

The Lord heard you! He ransomed you dearly, He saved you. You are the son of God. And who is the child of the heir: you inherited the Kingdom of heaven. Do you know what is going on in the sky? Maybe there's a joy? Yes of course! In Luke 15.10 says, "So, I say to you, there is joy of the angels of God and a sinner who repents". Heaven rejoices at your treatment now. This event involved all the sky: indeed, one adopted in the heart of the Gospel news. The Bible calls this process of our personal conversion to Jesus treatment; When we repent of our sins, and He takes them on. At the same time God gives us rebirth - new life in it, and we accept it. Treatment and regeneration - the two sides of the same phenomenon.

6. Thanksgiving

Salvation is the gift of God. Only His love paved the way to salvation. To this we have nothing to add. Who gets the gift, he said, "thank you". And we'll do it. Thank Jesus for now as you can.

7. What's next?


Here are important points of importance not only to follow Christ.

They are essential for our practical life in Christ. If we do, God gives us the goal.

a) Bible reading

God's Word It is a necessary food for our new life, which began in the us with Jesus. The best thing is if you take it a practice to read the Bible every day, preferably in the morning. Follow the example of the Christians of Berea (Acts 17.10-12), who diligently study Scripture.

b) Prayer

Jesus not only would like to speak to us through His word that He wants and we chatted with Him. We do it in prayer, having a great advantage to tell Him everything. It is not alien to our joy and sorrow, we can tell Him about our plans and decisions. By reading the Bible and prayer arises spiritual connection with the sky, so necessary for a healthy spiritual life.

c) Obedience

God desires us to be His obedient children living by His word and performing His commandments. We cannot better prove your love for the Lord, than obedience (1 John 5). In this world, we offers a variety of ways, the Bible also gives us a reliable benchmark, blessed of  God : "We must obey God rather than men" (Acts 5.29).

d) Communication

As children of God, we need communication with others, follow the Lord. When the fire take out red-hot coal, he quickly fades. So can cool down and our love for Jesus, if it does not back in fellowship with other believers. If we want to grow as converts, we need love, protection. Approval and manual true Jesus Church. Go get it, for good, live Church is a prerequisite for our stay and grow in faith.

e) Asc

Once we are through repentance and revival came to faith, it is very important that our faith is increased. Paul writes to Timothy: "And you shall remain in what taught, and that you assign, knowing whom you are taught" (2 Tim 3.14). At the end of his life, Paul was able to draw this conclusion: "I had a good Feat, for the committed, faith has kept" (2 Tim 4.7). Follow this example and we programmed correct.


So, our new life we start with treatment.

Remember: an approach to the Bible we are not from the outside, while remaining a neutral observer, but only from the inside. It only appears to those who repented all his strength to God in Jesus Christ and will gain salvation. The process of Spiritual rebirth can occur in different ways, but it is characterized by the following principles: recognition of its sinfulness, repent, transferring his life to Jesus Christ. Here starts growing in the faith.

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