вторник, 16 июля 2024 г.





This applies not only to the New Testament, since the Old Testament Jesus teaches : "Explore the Scriptures, because you think through them have eternal life; and they show Me" (John 5.39). The New Testament reveals to us the real access to the old testament prophets who point to Christ. This principle, Jesus revealed to the disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24.13-35). The main purpose of the Bible is clear, which is written in John 20.31 : Bible was written, that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God, and that believing you may have life in his name.


The Bible talks about the earthly and Heavenly (John 3.12).

To the ground, for example, historical events, descriptions, travel, personal appointments, prescriptions, laws describe the mood, family Chronicle, family trees, everyday issues and scientific data. Along with these, from the point of view of God important speech, the Bible once again directs our gaze to Heaven (Matt 6.33, 3.2) : God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, the Kingdom of God, on the Court, resurrection and eternity.


The Bible gives a realistic description of the person.

Men and women in the Bible are not depicted as heroes, but presented right  - miracle, with all their weaknesses and mistakes, penalties, as well as with a description of their positive traits. Even David, "man on the heart of God" (1 Sam 13.14, Acts 13.22) no error deleted (2 Sam 11).


Biblical revelation is the key to understanding this world.

It is a fundamental, nothing irreplaceable source of information. Especially hard to explain now, not taking into account long - term developments of the past - the creation, the fall and the flood.

It follows the theses :

a) Past - the key to the present. This provision back to the thesis evolution - teaching, according to which the findings of today's observations, you can extrapolate backward indefinitely.

b) Factors of creation are learnt only by faith (Heb 11.6). Various factors of creation witnessed in many places of the Bible :

- The word of God : Ps 32, John 1.1-4, Heb 11.3

- The power of God : Jer 10.12

- The wisdom of God : Ps 103.24, Prov 3.19, 2.3

- The Son of God : John 1.1-4,10,15-17

- Characteristic features of Jesus : Matt 11.29; John 10.11,14.27

- No original material, i.e. from nothing : Heb 11

- Without the use of time, albeit for 6 days : Ps 32.6

c) The death is the consequence of sin (Gen 2.17, 3.17-19 ; Ezek 18.4 ; Rom 5.12,14; 6.23 ; 1 Cor 14).

d) Consequences of the fall had an impact on everything visible creation (Rom 8.22). Destructive patterns in biology (e.g., bacteria - the who - the place of many diseases, parasites, attack snakes, spiders and predators that eating plants) cannot be explained in isolation from the fall, and the activities of the devil. All of this is rooted in the past.

e) Without the flood cannot be explained by the geological structure of the Earth.

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