суббота, 20 июля 2024 г.





In other words: no better commentary on the Bible, than she herself. Therefore Jesus, the Apostles and the prophets (Matt 19.3-6, 2 Tim 3.16) constantly referred to the Bible.


Jesus is the key to any interpretation.

The old testament without reference to Christ is especially incomprehensible (e.g., Ps 109.1, Is 53, Mal 3.20, Matt 23.24).


Interpretation should not conflict with other places in the Bible.

No teachings should not be based only on a single verse. The main statements of the Bible are repeated in different contexts or formulation are different.

Examples :

- The Saintliness of Jesus (1 John 4, 1 Pet 2)

- The sinfulness of all human beings (Gen. 8.21, Ps 8.8, Is 1.5-6, Matt 15.19, Rom 3.23)

- God's desire to save the world (Ezek 34.12, Matt 18.11, 1 Thess 5.9, 1 Tim 2.4)

Note : in the Bible, only one - the only time clearly written about the love of Jesus to the Father (John 14.31) and the Father's love for us (John 17.69). However, in many other places, this is confirmed by either facts or context.

You should always take into account the relationship of the texts and the general meaning of the Bible. To enforce the terms of insolvency has led to many unbiblical teachings and sects. Parallel links are important.


Some Bible lessons that can be drawn from the totality of individual events. The Bible is not a dry set of laws, and not a tutorial; in the example of thousands of events described as proper and improper handling with God. If the study is based on the total individual, thematically related events, you can learn from this Bible lesson. A striking example of this is the details of the long history of Israel, God's blessing as a traumatized and Court (1 Corinthians 10.11).


Old Testament brings us to the New Testament, that is, without the old testament, many parts of the New Testament are confusing (for example, a description of the creation of the world, the fall of man and the deluge).

In the New Testament more eye-openers, than in the old. Proof of this is the Epistle to the Hebrews.

Think on this, taking as an example of revenge. Such is human nature that if it adversely harm it seeks to repeatedly take revenge: "If Cain revenged sevenfold, then Lamech seventy-sevenfold" (Genesis 4.21). In the law of Sinai, God imposes strict limitation revenge rule "one to one" : the eye-for-eye, tooth-for-tooth, wound for wound, bruise for bruise (Exodus 21.23-27). In the sermon on the mount, Jesus deepens the Old Testament law, resorting to "and I am telling you...", which he has used 6 times. Applying Deuteronomy 32.35 to Exodus 21.23-27, It generally prohibits any revenge, "But I say to you: not hope. But whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him and another" (Matthew 5.44).


The BIBLE NOWHERE DOES NOT APPROVE OF SIN, even if in some cases it is not condemned publicly. This principle applies to the parable of the wrong ruler (Luke 16-8).


Should not say more than is written. "Moreover, not to subtilize “Not what is written" " (1 Cor 4.6). "No add to it to make it not reprove you and you turned out to be a liar" (Prov 30.6).

You should always give priority to Biblical truth in front of all other knowledge, if the Bible on this subject already has a definite opinion: "Look, the brethren not to Philosophy you captivated and enticing, according to legend, on the elements of the world, and not on Christ" (Col 2.8).


It is important to fully take advantage of all the subtleties of context (including grammatical and semantic features). The 2 Tim 3.16 teaches such a rigorous approach to the Scriptures.


There are specific, less accurate Bible translations into different languages.

In doubtful cases should be referred to the original (Jewish Old Testament and the Greek New Testament). The main value of a Word is often disclosed in connection with other texts in which it is semantically more accessible.

There is, for example, a common translation of the Synodal 1876 year, but it found many inaccuracies. Currently, there are also temporary modern translations with the originals, for example, Kulakov.

Luther's translation into German is a great language. At the same time, other translations (for example, Zinc) resort to change, parafrazas and own comments; they should be with regard with the utmost care.

You should totally abandon these "Bibles" that deliberately deviation agreeing from the original, adapted to the teachings of a particular sect (for example, "new world" of Jehovah's witnesses).


Some seemingly contradicting one another saying of Holy Bible, clarifies the additions in other areas. This can be, for example, coverage of the same in different plans or mutual supplement of one text to others.

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