пятница, 27 декабря 2024 г.






6,000 years ago - Creation and fall of man

6000- 4500 years ago - Antediluvian world

4500 years ago - the Flood

4,500 years ago - Palestine ruled by Babylon or at least Babylonian culture

4500-4000 years ago, or about 2500-2000 (BC) - Post-Flood world and the division of a single continent of the Earth

Around 2000 (BC) - Palestine ruled by the Elamites. The birth of Abraham and his exodus to Palestine. King Hammurabi overthrows the Elamite dominion

C. 1800 - The Hyxes invade Egypt

C. 1600 - Expulsion of the Hyks, Egyptian influence in Palestine

C. 1450 - Exodus of the Jews from Egypt

Around 1035 - Saul's accession to the throne. Israel became a great power

C. 1005 - David's accession to the throne

975 - Solomon's accession. The construction of the temple and the pinnacle of Israel's power

C. 935 - Division of the kingdom

854 - Shalmaneser III, king of Assyria, defeated the allied kings, including Ahab, under Karkar

842 - King Jehu pays tribute to Shalmanassar III

June 15, 763 - Solar eclipse predicted by Amos

738 - King Menahem of Israel pays tribute to the Assyrian king Pheglafelasar IV

725 - Assyrian king Shalmaneser V forces Israelite king Hosea to pay tribute to him

724 - Shalmaneser V captures Hosea and besieges Samaria

722 - Death of Shalmaneser V. The usurper Sargon becomes king, captures Samaria and takes the Israelites into captivity

702-701 - Sennacherib, son of Sargon, goes to war against Hezekiah, takes Lachis and fails to take Jerusalem

622 - Reforms of King Josiah of Judah

608 - Josiah fell in battle with Pharaoh Necho II and Judea became dependent on Egypt

607-606 - The overthrow of the Assyrian rule and the beginning of the Babylonian

605-604 - Nebuchao is defeated by Nebuchadnezzar at Carchemis. The beginning of the countdown (?) Of the Babylonian captivity of the Jews

597 - Capture of Jeconiah, destruction and plundering of the first temple, first migration of Jews to Babylon

588 - Pharaoh Hofa convinces Zedekiah to overthrow the Babylonian yoke

586 - Capture of Jerusalem. Zedekiah and all the people were taken to Babylon. The main Jewish colony on the island of Elephantine, where the Temple of the Lord was built

538 - The capture of Babylon by Cyrus. Judea under the rule of the Persians. Cyrus's decree on the rebuilding of the temple and the first detachment of immigrants led by Zerubbabel

519 - Decree of Darius on the rebuilding of the temple

515 - Completion of the reconstruction of the second temple

458 - A new batch of immigrants led by Ezra

457 - Artaxerxes' decree on the restoration of Jerusalem

445 - Nehemiah received permission to move to Jerusalem and is appointed governor of Judea

411 - Destruction of the temple on Elephantine

333 - Palestine ruled by Alexander the Great

302 - Palestine is under Egyptian rule again (Ptolemy)

198 - Palestine under Syrian rule (Seleucids)

170 - Antiochus IV Epiphanes defiles the Jerusalem temple

168 - Cancellation of Jewish worship. Construction of the Temple of the Lord in Leontopol (Egypt)

165-141 - Maccabean War of Liberation

63 - Pompey took Jerusalem. Judea became autonomous in the Roman province of Syria

37 - Herod the Great became the vassal king of Judah

4 - Census of Caesar Augustus


       Death of Herod


6 - Judea again under the rule of the Roman governor

27 - Baptism of the Lord. Preaching of Jesus Christ

31 - Crucifixion, resurrection and ascension of Christ. Pentecost and the beginning of the preaching of the apostles

34 - Murder of Stefan. The beginning of the preaching of the Gospel to the Gentiles

41 - Accession of Agrippa I, grandson of Herod the Great

44 - Rewarding Judea by Governor

66 - The beginning of the great Jewish war

70 - Destruction of Jerusalem and the expulsion of the Jews

90 - The last living apostle John receives the Revelation in hard labor on the island of Patmos

116 - Revolt of the Jews in Palestine

135 - A new uprising led by Bar-Kokhva, who is declared the Messiah. Destruction of the name "Jerusalem", instead built Elia Capitolina. The name "Judea" was replaced by the name "Palestinian Syria"

303-313 - The most brutal persecution of Christians by the Romans under Diocletian

313 - The accession of Constantine the Great. Christianity becomes the state religion

321 - Decree on the compulsory celebration of Sunday as "the honorable day of the Sun"

365 - Laodicean Cathedral Church prohibits Sabbath observance

395 - The division of Rome into Western and Eastern (Byzantium), the difference between cultures and religions of the Western and Eastern churches

476 - End and disintegration of Western Rome, acceptance of its powers and imperial titles by the Pope

493 - Pope with the help of Byzantium destroys the kingdom of Heruli

508 - Teaching about the "Eucharist" and other non-biblical teachings. The Frankish king Clovis converts to Catholicism

534 - Pope destroys the kingdom of the Vandals

538 - The Pope destroys the Ostrogoth kingdom and becomes the ruler of all of Europe. The beginning of the Inquisition

610 - The emergence of Islam and wars of conquest in the Middle East

988 - Baptism of Kievan Rus into the Byzantine faith

1054 - The split of the universal church into Western Catholic and Eastern Orthodox

1242 - The invasion of the crusaders to Russia with the aim of forcible conversion to Catholicism. Their defeat at Lake Peipsi

1376-1384 - The activities of the reformer John Wycliffe and the translation of the Bible into English

1410 - Battle of Grunwald, the victory of Poland and Lithuania over the Teutons and the weakening of their influence

1415 - Burning of Jan Hus

1492 - Discovery of America by Columbus

1517 - Luther's Theses

1600 - Burning of Giordano Bruno

1620 - First English ship Mayflower arrives in North America

1755 - First major Great Lisbon earthquake, 100,000 casualties

1776 - Proclamation of the US Declaration of Independence

1780 - The Great Eclipse of the Sun and Moon - "rainy day"

1789 - Great French Revolution

1791 - Bill of Rights, the declaration of rights and freedoms in the United States

1798 - Pope Pius VI is captured by the French general Berthier

1799 - Death of Pius VI. New Pope Pius VII

1804 - The world's first Bible Society, the British, is formed

1831 - William Miller's first sermon on the imminent Second Coming of Christ

1833 - Great falling stars - "star rain" of extraordinary power

1844 - Ellen White's three angels messages and prophecies begin, universal church rejected by God, remnant church with biblical doctrine

1863 - First General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and the formal establishment of the SDA Church

1896 - Preaching the Adventist message in the first non-Protestant country - Russia

1914-1918 - World War I

1917 - October coup in Russia

1923 - Earthquake in Yokagama, 300,000 casualties

1939 - The beginning of the Second World War

1945 - The end of the Second World War and the formation of the UN. The first computer

1948 - The State of Israel gains independence

1969 - The invention of the Internet

1985 - The beginning of the reforms of Gorbachev and Deng Xiao Ping. The whole world, except the Muslim one, is open to the preaching of the Gospel

1988 - Celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the baptism of Rus and the introduction of freedom of conscience. Earthquake in Armenia, 25,000 casualties

1989 and 1991 - The collapse of the socialist camp and the USSR, the strengthening of the influence of Western democracies

1999 - Message from Pope John Paul II on Sunday

2001 - The largest terrorist attack in the United States in history, more than 3,000 victims

2013 - Jesuit Francis becomes Pope for the first time. Negotiations are underway with members of governments on the unification of religions and the mandatory observance of Sunday

2019 - The emergence of the coronavirus COVID-19

2020 - The global pandemic of the coronavirus COVID-19. For six months in all countries of the world, 20 million sick, 12 million recovered, 728 thousand victims


? -

Global economic, environmental and social crisis

Religious and civil freedom abolished, brutal dictatorship

Passed Sunday and False Worship Laws

Arrests and expulsions

End of the Gospel Preaching

Death law for the disobedient

Pouring plagues on all but God's remnant church

The end of the world and the second coming of Christ

Resurrection of the righteous and the transformation of living members of God's church

The Millennial Kingdom of the Saved in Heaven

The last judgment

Re-creation of the Earth and a new world

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