четверг, 26 декабря 2024 г.





   Our response to those who laugh at biblical chronology


   We, Christians, creationists and supporters of the idea of ​​the existence of the Creator, are not accidentally standing on our positions. Theoretical scientists, as they call themselves, have repeatedly confirmed their bad reputation with their incorrect calculations - astronomers, physicists, geologists, biologists, and also historians. A good argument in favor of this is that the early history of ancient Egypt, as it was composed, consists of dates and not only of solid fantasies. Errors are possible and obvious, especially when it turned out that they were discovered even in the events of 700-800 years ago.

  The states of the ancient world are a mystery to everyone. Until now, no one can explain where, after the primitive tools of labor of primitive society, almost modern surgical instruments suddenly appear in ancient Egypt?

   We know that the post-Flood history (and very few people deny the flood itself, too many traces - alluvial and flooded buildings were found) is about 4500 years old - 2500 years before Christ and 2000 after, new finds, for example, on Mount Ararat, confirm this... It is this approximate age that the most ancient written sources have, but, nevertheless, for some reason, periods much longer in time appeared in the history of Egypt and other ancient countries. But can you trust them?

   There were some adventures here. So, in museums, only a part of the exhibits are on display in the halls, and what does not correspond and what these scientists do not need for people to see, lies in the storerooms and is not shown to anyone.

   The emergence of the ancient Egyptian state, the capital Memphis and the so-called I dynasty of pharaohs (Narmer), scientists date differently, from 4000 to 3000 BC., or the so-called "Bronze Age". The discrepancies are huge, there is little written evidence, for example, the Palermo stone, where the I dynasty and the unification of the northern and southern kingdoms are mentioned, a little older than 4000 years (about 2200 BC, that is, much later than the events described). Inaccuracies could creep into the translation, and in addition, when there are not enough records, a dubious radiocarbon method is used for dating, where there are more unknowns in the systems of equations than the equations themselves.

   Nevertheless, they establish the exact years of the reign of the pharaohs (and there are discrepancies, as in astronomy, for example, too - according to parallaxes, some scientists say that the North Star is 300 light years away, while others claim that it is 400), and "white spots" fill out of my head. On the first unverified and unproven thesis, taken as a dogma, then all the rest are strung.

   The same is the situation with Pharaoh Djoser, the first in the III dynasty. It was once believed that he lived 3000 BC, and now they have about 2700.

   Like the creators of this "chronology", Lyell once did - he took several fossils of mollusks, arranged them as he wanted, and invented linden ages.

   Something for Egyptian history is taken from Herodotus, but where is the guarantee that his works completely reliable? After all, as it turned out now, the Greco-Roman civilization knew very little about the Egyptian and Babylonian!

   The exact dating is impossible due to the fact that the ancient world did not know a single chronology, but only a relative one, where the years were counted according to the reign of the kings, and with the death of the monarch a new reckoning of years began.

   Nevertheless, thanks to written sources, as well as archaeological research and found objects, we know much more about the later period of Egyptian history, for example, that Moses (Mousos) is from the Pharaonic family, although the adopted son is a real historical person, and that the exodus Jews (descended from the patriarchs, and not "from a small tribe of the Bronze Age") from Egypt really was. Egyptology also made it possible to find written information (not to mention material) about the biblical patriarchs, for example, about Joseph (Tsantsaf) - the ruler of Egypt.

  Isn't it time for scientists, in the spirit of true science, to change their approach to ancient history and make it reliable and serious, and not like "biology" restoring an entire organism from several bones? Namely: rely on true reasoned facts!

   And in conclusion, it should be noted that the Bible as a historical document is still right and can be trusted !!!

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