среда, 27 ноября 2024 г.




Sin cannot exist on Earth constantly (Gen 3.9). The day will come, in which God will put an end to it.


We live in the so-called last time before the second coming of Christ. This is indicated by signs specified in the Gospel (Matt 24).


In anticipation of this event on Earth will only two groups of people - the faithful to God and everyone else. The first group of people to obey the Lord and in the big and small (Matt 25.21) and complies with all 10 commandments flawlessly: this is a sine qua non of salvation (Rev 22.14).


Violating or changing even one commandment is invalid. Who observe all the commandments except one is guilty in all (Jac 2.10).


Lately, the people of God will receive God's seal. It includes: the name of the ruler,

the title and territory. All this is contained in the fourth commandment (Ex 20.11, Rev 14.7). This nation is the Church of the rest (Rev 12.17). It is those who obey the commandments of God and believes in Jesus Christ (v.12).


The remainder of the Church in the name of God and of his Christ calls all to follow her example and come out of spiritual Babylon (Babylon - means “mix” truth with lies, i.e. biblical dogma with pagan admixture: teaching about the afterlife, a new day of Sun worship, icons, etc.). On the day of worship: God said that never change His commandments (Ps 89.35) and never taught that Saturday is cancelled or changed. This is done by people on their own arbitrary (Dan 7.25). They themselves admit it.


Who will not receive the seal of God will receive a print of the beast (Rev 13). THERE IS NO third option.


The end of the world comes after preaching the Gospel on Earth will be finished (Matthew 24.14). After this happens the second coming of Christ to Earth to be visible and explicit (Rev 1.7).


At the second coming will be resurrected in new bodies of the dead and the living righteous will be changed (1 Thess 4.16, 1 Cor 15.51-54, Phil 3.21). Then they will be taken to Heaven (1 Thess 4.17).


After this live ungodly will die with the second coming, and the land emptied (Rev 6.15-17 and 2 Thess 2.8; Jer 4.23, 26-27). During the 1000 years on it will be only Satan and his angels; righteous same these 1000 years sky will adjudicate the wicked (1 Cor 6.2-3).


The last court of Satan, his angels and wicked is described in Chapter 20 of the book of revelation:


- The new Jerusalem along with the righteous goes down to Earth

- The wicked resurrected

- Satan pushing them to assault the city

- God destroys them with fire

- The fire created anew the Earth and gets its lovely face


Then begins an eternity without sin and its consequences - death, disease and suffering.





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God alone is immortal (1 Tim 6.17). Man is not immortal, but must seek immortality (Rom1.7).


Death is the result of sin (Ezek 18.4, Rome 6.23). Conscious state in death (Eccl 9.5, 6.10 ; Ps 146.4).


The author of the doctrine of the immortality of man and the afterlife (as well as the "reincarnation") is Satan himself (Gen 3.4). From him went data Pagan beliefs.


Hope for believers is afterworld, not a resurrection and eternal life on the updated Earth (Rev 21.1, Matt 5.5). Christ resurrected Himself and gave all hope for resurrection. This is the 11st chapter of the Gospel of John:


- Death is sleep, which is not flowing time (v.11,13)

- If death is compared to sleep, resurrection - with the awakening, in which resurrected righteous will gain a new body (Job 19.25-26, Phil 3.21).


The Bible teaches that there will be two of the resurrection - the righteous and the wicked (Dan 12.2, John 5.28-29, Rev 20.4-5).


Over alive for eternity the second death has no power (Rev 20.6,14).

The wicked will be resurrected for punishment and subsequently completely destroyed (Rev 20.9, Mal 4.1). Then the Earth will be created anew and the righteous will receive eternal happy life on it: "And I saw a new heaven and a new Earth, for the first heaven and the first Earth had passed away. I, John, saw the Holy City, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, behold, the Tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them; they will be his people, and God himself will be with them their God. And God will wipe every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more; nor crying, neither sickness nor sorrow, there will not be, for the former things have passed away" (Rev 21.1-4).

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