суббота, 20 мая 2017 г.


The PROPHECY is a prediction of future events  (John 13.19 , Am 3.7 , Rev. 1.1).  It is for the good of man (Deut 29.29 , 2 Pet 1.19).

The prophecies are for understanding of people, otherwise they'd be useless for a man  (Matt 24.15 , Dan 9.2 , Luke 4.17-21).


Some prophecies are conditional, i.e. are subject, and when they change not enforced  (Jer 18.7-10 , Jonah 3.4-10).

Prophecies about the natural phenomena are independent of conditions and will certainly executed  (Matt 24.29 , Rev 6.12-13).

The wicked and the unbelievers (e.g. Judas) performed the prophecies unconsciously  (Ps 41.9 ; John 13.2,18-19 ; Zach 11.12-13).  Present and reinforced in the manufacture of war-there are unconscious of the fulfillment of prophecy  (Joel 3.9-10 , Rev 16.13-14).


The people of God, where is the prophecy, knows this (Matt 3.1-3 ; Luke 4.17,21 ; Acts 1.16-22).

When you are receive the unconditional prophecy, no force can prevent this (Zach 9.9 ; Matt 21.25 ; Luke 9.22 ; Matt 27.61-66, 28.2-6 ; Job 42.2).

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