ten commandments are called the law of God, and "commanded testament" :
because commanded by God
because it contains a promise for meek and punishment for disobedient- because he was the reason all the other covenants between God and his people
violating commanded law subject to damnation, which is written in the law of
Moses (Deut 27.28, Jer 14.3-5, Gal 3.12-14, Dan 9.11).
plan for salvation lay people after the flood, is called :
- "A
Covenant of life and peace, because through it the man comes to terms with the
God and escapes" (Mal 2.5-6 ; Rom 5.1-2,10).
"My testament", because
through it the Lord takes away the sins of the man (Rom11.27, Heb 10.16-17).
this promise has its origins from the fall of man, yet he is rightly referred
to as the New Testament, because it was approved by the blood of Christ for
many years after the first (Old) Testament was fixed to the blood (Ex 24.7-8, Jer 31.31-34, Heb 9.15-20).
of peace, or the New Testament, concluded :
- Faith in "the seed of the woman", or in
Christ (Gen 3.15, 17.7-10; Gal 3.16; John 3.16)
- The law, written in the hearts of all the
Covenant (Jer 31.33-34, 2 Cor 3.3)- The promise of the land of Canaan (Gen 12.1-2, 15.18-21; Ex 6.4-8; Nav 21.43-45)
- The PROMISE of a NEW LAND (Rom 4.13, 2 Pet 3.13)
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