суббота, 29 апреля 2017 г.


The Old Testament clearly teaches that there are two laws :

"And the whole Israel broke the YOUR LAW... and for that had grown lazy at us curse and an oath that is written in the law of MOSES"  (Dan 9.11) .



                         The Law Of God                                                                  The Law Of Moses



1. The 10 commandments (Ex 24.12, Rom 7.7,                   1. This is the law of the Lord, he called Moses law

    Jac 2.8-12)                                                                              (Dan 9.11, Josh 23.6, Luke 2.23)


2. It said voice of God                                                             2. He was given through Moses

     (Ex 20.11, Deut 4.12-13)                                                     (Nehem 9.14, 2 Sam 21.8)


3. Written by the finger of God on stones                               3. Written in the book of Moses (Ex 24.4-7,

     (Ex 31.18, Deut 10.1-5)                                                           Deut 31.9,24)


4. Saved in the Ark (Deut 10.4-5,                                           4. Maintained at the Ark

    1 Kings 8.9)                                                                             (Deut 31.24-26)


5. Based on relationship before existing of sin                       5. Based on relationships established after

    (1 John 2.7, Ex 20.3-17)                                                        (Heb 10.1-3)


6. It shows our duties on                                                         6. He belonged to the correctional system

    towards God and neighbor,                                                      and says what needs to be done to man,

    (Matt 22.36-40, Eccl 12.13-14,                                                 to get rid of sin and peace with God

     Jac 2.8-12)                                                                                (Lev 4.16-20)


7. It does not apply to victims and "shadows" -                      7. He refers to victim and prototypes

    prototypes (Ex 20.3-17)                                                          (Lev 7.37)

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