пятница, 3 января 2025 г.




   Here is wisdom. He who has intelligence, count the number of the beast, for it is a human number; his number is six hundred and sixty-six (Revelation 13.18, synodal Russian translation).

   Here wisdom is needed: let a smart man calculate the number of the beast. This is the number of a person, and his number is 666 (Revelation 13.18, modern translation of the Russian Bible Society).

   It takes wisdom. Anyone who has intelligence can understand the meaning of the number of the beast, for it corresponds to a human number. The number is six hundred and sixty-six (Revelation 13.18, modern WBTC translation).

   It takes wisdom! He who is endowed with reason, let him calculate the number of the beast, because this is the number of man. And his number is 666 (Revelation 13.18, "Word of life" - New Testament).

   [Need] wisdom here. Whoever has a mind, let him count the number of the beast, it is human, this number: 666 is the number of the beast (Revelation 13.18, Kulakov's Bible, IPB - Bible Translation Institute).

   There is wisdom here. He who has a mind, let him calculate (determine, decide, announce) the number of the beast, there is a number of man, and his number is six hundred and sixty-six (Revelation 13.18, interlinear translation from the original).

                                                                                           * * *

   There are tens and even hundreds of versions of the famous "number of the beast". To whom it was not just attributed.

   Many Christians in the Middle Ages (the so-called "heretics" could have been Albigensians, Huguenots, and many others), and after Luther, and now associate this number with the papal throne. This is confirmed by the fact that only he is suitable for the following five signs from the 13th chapter of the book of Revelation :


1. He received power from the dragon, that is, pagan Rome (v.2)

2. He ruled the whole world (v.3-4,7-8)

3. He blasphemed by claiming to be God (v.5-6)

4. He killed and tortured "saints" - true Christians according to the doctrine based on the Bible, and according to the way of life (v.7)

5. He ruled for 1260 years (538-1798) v.5

6. ???


   Seventh-day Adventists usually call the number 666 the sixth sign. But, as it turns out, this number refers not only to the Pope, but to anyone who does the evil will of the devil, if he does not want to know God or thinks that he serves God, but His commandments does not comply. That is why the number 666 is not mentioned immediately after the description of the first beast, but only between the second beast (USA and Protestantism) and those who have the seal of God - "144000", who fulfilled EVERYTHING that God commanded.

                                                                                           * * *

   If the seal of God is associated with the character of Christ and with the observance of the Sabbath - the true day of worship following the example of Christ Himself (Luke 4.16), then all other people - wicked or those who formally believe in Christ, but do not accept sound biblical teaching - have the seal of the beast. The prophecy says that the first beast will resort to the help of the second: again, as in the Middle Ages, religious power will rely on the power of the state and power structures (police, army, special services). But those who have the seal of God will not worship them, but only everyone else will receive the mark of the beast.

   Between Saturday and false Saturday (Sunday), on the one hand, and the number 666, there is only an indirect connection only in the sense that apostates follow tradition instead of a commandment, and this is devilry. The very top of the church admits that the Sabbath in the Bible is not changed, and they themselves made it their own authority :

   "The Catholic Church, by its divine authority, has moved the Sabbath celebration to the first day of the week" (The Catholic Mirror, September 23, 1893).

   1. "Is Saturday the seventh day of the week, as the Bible and the Ten Commandments say?"

   "Yes, it is".

   2. "Is Sunday the first day of the week, and has the church changed the celebration of the seventh day of the week to the first?"


   3. "Did Christ Himself change this day?"

   "No! With complete respect to you, Cardinal Gibbons" (Original letter from Cardinal Gibbons).

   "Question: What day is Saturday?

   Answer: Next Friday.

   Question: Why do we keep Sunday and not Saturday?

   Answer: We keep Sunday, not Saturday, because the Catholic Church has moved the Sabbath from the seventh day of the week to the first" (Peter Geierman, The Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrine [1946 ed.], p.50).

   Anyone who is faithful to God must keep all the commandments without exception, otherwise all this is meaningless (James 2.10-12).

                                                                                           * * *

   The calculation of the number 666 is done according to the title of the Pope, which he used to wear on his tiara - headdress - VICARIUS FILII DEI or VICARIVS FILII DEI? (U = V) :

V . . . . . 5
I . . . . . 1
C . . . .100
A . . . . . 0
R . . . . . 0
I . . . . . 1
U . . . . . 5
S . . . . . 0

F . . . . . 0
I . . . . . 1
L . . . . . 50
I . . . . . 1
I . . . . . 1

D . . . . 500
E . . . . . 0
I . . . . . . 1




= 666


   But the bad luck is that the Bible nowhere deals with gematria (numerology, which, by the way, is occultism), nowhere is it said in what language the name of the beast from Revelation 13.18, in contrast to the mention of languages in Revelation 9.11 and 16.16, moreover, Hebrew and Greek, and Latin has nothing to do with the Bible at all. And in general, it is doubtful whether this can refer to one person or position, because this does not imply the phrase that this is "a human number".

   In the mid-19th century, at the dawn of Adventism, this teaching was proposed by Uriah Smith and John Nevins Andrews. But, interestingly, God's messenger Ellen White does not mention the number 666 in a single composition, unlike other prophecies about the papacy.

   Moreover, it is not at all necessary to add up the meanings of the letters in order to delve into the mystery of the number 666. This follows from the Greek original of the New Testament, where in Revelation 13.18 in this place is the word ψηφισατω - "psephisato".

   According to the Greek-Russian dictionary of Professor A.D. Vaisman in 1899, this word, in its original form ψηφος - "psephos", ψηφιξω - "psefixo", has many meanings :

1. Count

2. Vote

3. Decide, determine, decide

4. Recognize

5. Assign

6. Condemn

7. Announce

   Thus, the traditional judgment that the number of the beast must be calculated, counted and summed up is incorrect. The most

Apparently, the appropriate meaning of this word for this case is not “calculate”, but “determine”, and thus understand what actually stands behind the three sixes.

                                                                                           * * *

   First of all, let's understand what the number 6 can mean.

   If 7 is the number of perfection and completeness, then 6 means inferiority and apostasy. Many people strive for perfection, but at the same time they do not want to know God, and without this perfection they cannot see. This is indicated by the number 6.

    In the Old Testament in 1 Kings 10.14, the number 666 is also found. This is the amount of gold talents of the annual income that King Solomon had. Excessive wealth led him not only to extensive external relations of the kingdom, but also to polygamy and idols.

   Solomon fell because he neglected the command from the Law - Deut 17.14-20 - not to walk in the promised land according to the customs of the Gentiles, especially not to multiply the number of wives - verse 17.

   This can happen to a person if he relies only on himself. 666 is to some extent a symbol of a person who relies only on his own wisdom, abilities and talents. BUT IT'S NOT ENOUGH, to be right before God, you also need the light and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

   By the way, the number 6 is mentioned in Dan 3.1 - the height of the golden idol is 60 cubits, the width is 6 cubits, and it was installed by King Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon.

   And we have no right to worship any idols, idols and icons, this is against God. It is our duty to refuse this in good conscience, even if we are threatened with death, like three young men. THE ENEMY MAY KILL US, BUT WILL NOT TAKE THE SAVING OF THE SOUL FROM US. We have no right to bow to the beast and depart from the truth, either on pain of losing our earnings, or on pain of death, BECAUSE WE BELONG TO GOD. This is why we only keep His Sabbath and no other day.

   Why are there three sixes?

   Apparently, by the number of beasts from the 12th and 13th chapters of Revelation. It :

- Dragon - from the 12th chapter

- The first beast - from the first half of the 12th chapter

- Another beast - from the second, he is a false prophet This is paganism, papism, false Protestantism


   Whoever rejects God remains at the mercy of these beasts. There is no third option.

   Those who do not accept pure Bible truth are in danger. And false religions and churches, where truth and falsehood are mixed, the Bible and tradition (or the tradition and teachings of the holy fathers), THIS IS BABYLON.

                                                                                           * * *

   True Christians differ from the people to whom the number 666 is related, because they do not want to take part in apostasy. If for some reason they are still in churches and religions with wrong doctrines, then they will hear the call to leave Babylon, that is, from there (Rev 18.4), and join the so-called remnant church that keeps God's commandment (Rev 12.17).

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