вторник, 10 сентября 2024 г.




Grace is UNDESERVED MERCY to the repented sinner, which rescues him through the FORGIVENESS of penalties (abuse of sins) and makes him the righteousness of Christ.


Violating God's Law, a person is subject to the curse which is necessary for it (Deut 27.26, Jer 11.3-4).

The wages of sin is death (Rom 6.23).

Sin is forgiven through grace, therefore, PEOPLE SAVED from sin and DEATH by GRACE (Rom 3.24-25, Eph 2.5-8).


Plan of salvation by grace through Christ was opened immediately after the fall, "ancient times" (2 Tim 1.9).

Noah and lot found grace before God and be saved it (Gen 6.8, 19.19).

Israel has also received the forgiveness of sins by Grace (Ex 33.13-17, Num 14.19-20).


When a person receives the forgiveness of sins, he already is under grace, and not under the Law, i.e. the curse and condemnation of his  (Rom 6.1,14 , Gal 3.13).

UNDER THE GRACE REQUIRED TO KEEP THE LAW OF GOD. Otherwise, they fall within the condemnation : "Every one who commits sin make lawlessness too"  (Rom 3.4).

God truly has a single King and ruler of this world, because God created everything (Ps 102.19).

Grace is property of God and His reign (Ex 34.6, Heb 4.16).


God saves His people from the time of their fall from grace (2 Tim 1.9, Col 1.18).

Therefore His Kingdom called KINGDOM OF GRACE (Ex 34.6-7, Col 1.13).

The Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached throughout the world (Matt 24.14).


When the truth about the plan of salvation through grace made us his Kingdom "within us"  (Luke 16.16, 17.20-21).


For the grace of Christ is an intermediary (advocate) between God and man (1 John 2.1-2, Rom 8.34).

He is the King-Priest, credited on the throne of His Father (Heb 6.20, 8.1 ; Rev 3.21; Zach 6.12-13). He would hold this post until His Father "He hath put all enemies towards the foot of the feet" of Christ (Ps 109.1,4 ; Heb 10.12-13).


After that Christ will give the Kingdom of grace. Then will the time of grace, because the test passes (1 Cor 15.23-28, Luke 13.24-25).

Then Christ will take the throne of David and the KINGDOM OF GLORY come (Is 9.6-7; Dan 7.13-14; Rev 11.15).

Those who applied through grace, were changed during the Kingdom of grace, finally will reign with Christ in His Kingdom of glory (Col 1.13,  Luke 3.21,  Matt 25.34).



The Holy Spirit is the third person of Deity.

He descends from the Father to men in the name of Christ (Matt 28.19 ; John 15.26, 14.26).


He has properties : love, truth, power, etc.  -  the same as God (Rom 5.5, John 15.26, Acts 1.8).

He has the power to create, heal the sick and raise the dead (Job 33.4 ; Rom 15.19, 8.11).


Through Him people updated and be born again (John 3.5).

The Law of God - the Ten Commandments - is written in our hearts through the Holy Spirit (2 Cor 3.3).

Physical and spiritual power is given by the Holy Spirit (Eph 3.16).

The spirit of the word of God teaches and instructs us into all truth (John 15.26, 16.13).


Through the spirit of God says to man and recalls what He said  (John 14.26, Acts 8.29).

Wisdom and guidance is given through the Holy Spirit (Ex 35.31-35).

The Lord promised the Holy Spirit on the following conditions :

- repentance (Acts 2.37-38)

- prayer (Luke 11.13)

- faith (Gal 3.2-14)

- obedience to the commandments (John 14.15-17)


The Spirit of God :

- convicts of sin (John 16.7-8)

- guides and recalls (John 14.26)

- gives you peace and joy (Rom 5.5)

- allows, if necessary, and the divine power (Eph 3.16-20, Rom 8.26, Col1.11)


Spirit has gifts (Rom 12 ,1 Cor 12 , Eph 4 , 1 Thess 5.19-24 , 1 Pet 4.10-11).

Major gifts of the Holy Spirit :

- the gift of prophecy (1 Cor 12.10, 28 ; Acts 2.17-18)

- the gift of healing and miracles (1 Cor 12.1, 10.28 ; Mark 16.17-18)

- the gift of speaking in different languages (1 Cor 12.10, 28 ; Acts 2.2-11)


Gifts are given for the preservation of the unity of the Church (Eph 4.8-13).


The spirit of God promised to the Church of God until the end of time (John 14.16-17 ; Acts 2.17-20,38-39).

It is given when, as printing: as a sign that labeled the sinner became God's son (2 Cor 1.21-22 ; Eph 1.13-14, 4.30). Who does their choice is removed from the Holy Spirit, he is stripped of His press.



Seal of the spirit is in the heart, and therefore it is not the same as the seal of God on his forehead, which gives the servants of God are already embodied by the Holy Spirit (Rev 7.1-3, see issue 117).

The work of the spirit of God comes from the fall to the end of the duration of the test.


There are two spirit - good and evil  (1 John 4.1-3, Neh 9.20, 1 Sam 18.10).

The spirit of God comes from God and has His properties  (John 15.26, 16.13 ; Rom 5.5).

The spirit of the Devil, or evil comes from Satan and similar to him  (Rev 16.13-14, Mark 1.23).


The Holy Spirit is telling the truth (John 14.16-17, 16.13), but the spirit of Satan leads to lies and delusion (John 8.44 , 2 Par 18.20-22).

The spirit of God gives you peace and joy in your heart (Rom 14.17), and the evil spirit torments his subjects (Mark 9.17-18, 22).

The spirit of God instructs all believe in Christ (1 Cor 12.3), but the spirit of Satan holes that Christ and the Gospel (1 John 4.1-3 , Gal 1.6-9 ).

The spirit of God leads to obedience (Neh 8.4, 1 John 2.3-5), and the spirit of the Devil leads to rebelliousness (Eph 2.1-2 , Zach 7.11-12).


The spirit of God teaches the Lord's on Saturday and keep the commandments (Is 56.1-6) and the spirit of Devil - its rejects (Ezek 22.24-26).


The spirit of God is Its completeness :

EARLY RAIN had poured out upon the disciples, when they had left all their sins and came all in unity and harmony (Acts 1.13-14, 2.1-4 , watch Jer 5.24).

LATER RAIN will be poured out upon the latest Church (SDA), so long as it will do the same (Joel 2.23,28-29 ; Hos 6.23 ; Nav 5.7 ; Deut 11.4 ; Rev 18.1-4 ; Matt 24.21).

"Have fun in the Lord your God; for he will give you the rain in measure, and will be send you rain, rain early and late" (Joel 2.23).

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