суббота, 14 сентября 2024 г.




The Law of God written in stone, requires death for sin (1 John 3.4; Ezek 18.4-20; Rom 6.23).

In the Law of Moses contains a curse on violators of the Law (Deut 27.15-26). The curse of the Law of Moses was written on the altar of stones (Deut 27.2-3,8,15-26; Josh 8.30-34).


Those who committed sin without the intention to kill her and sacrifice for reconciliation of their sins.

Those who arbitrarily and OPEN UNBELIEF violated the Law of God and REPENTING, brought death (Josh 7.13,21-26).  Judges with the participation of the latter members were announcing the decision of the court and witnesses were to be the first in beating by stones (Deut 17.2-12).

All this (and punishment) has been serving the death and, as said, "it was glorified" (2 Cor 3.7).

The ministry was abolished death Cross (2 Cor 3.7-13; Col 2.14-17).


The act on the service of death written on stones and former about the Ark of the Covenant, should not be confused with DECALOGUE, which was inscribed on the tablets, and now in our hearts (Jer 31.33).


Thus, the ministry of death, CANCELED in New Testament,  and the LAW OF GOD - NO !


When Christ died for sinners, the church lost the right to condemn and instructions to both believers and sinners.


The task is to convince sinners preachers believe in Christ, repent of your sins and reborn through the Holy Spirit       (Acts 3.19, 16.31, 3.3-5). This is the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

"If the same service to the deadly letters written on the rocks, it was so nice, that the children of Israel could not look at the face of Moses because of the glory of his coming is not much nicer spirit ministries?" (2 Cor 3.7-8).


The sin maker may be taken regularly to the remark :

"If anyone does not listen to the words of our in the message, thus have to REMARK... but do not consider him for the enemy, and admonishing, as a brother" (2 Thess 3.14-15).

The only penalty to doing sin, retreating from the faith and continue existing live in sin, can be thrown out of the church :

"External same sues God. So throw up the corrupted  from your society" (1 Cor 5.13).


As for the criminals and violators of civil laws, the judges State :

"Every soul be subject unto the higher authorities, for there is no power not from God; the power of God. So averse to God opposes the authorities. And the men that resisting - themselves will invite a convicted person" (Romans 13.1-2).

"Heart  of king in the hand of Lord - like streams of water: where He wants, He sends him" (Proverbs 21.1).

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