воскресенье, 8 сентября 2024 г.




Lord found that priests and preachers (the Levites), worthy of its subsistence, or for spiritual work.

"Do you not know that making the religious rite eating from the sanctuary ? That members of the altar take a share from the altar? And the Lord commanded to preaching the Gospel live from the Gospel" (1 Cor 9.13-14).


The plan of God for the funds to employees :


1. The sky, the Earth and all that in them is GOD'S PROPERTY.

"My universe and all that fills it" (Psalm 49.12).

2. God allows man to live on Earth and consume all its fruits and everything on the condition of payment of The rent for all of this. It is 10% of the total income (tithing) is a relic of the Lord (Lev 27.30-34).


Tithing is the Treasury of the Temple (or church) and assigned people to collect it, as well as guardians of the Treasury and cashiers (Mal 3.10, Neh 12.44).


Retention of tithe, God calls the ROBING (Mal 3.8).

The wines wrong slave, that has dug the talent was that he gave God a tithe for the use of it. "You knew what I have harvest where not sow and gather where scattered; Why should you give a silver trading, and I came, would my profit” (Matt 25.26-27).


Note :


There are various types of ownership: State-owned, collective, family and personal.  All this is God's property, except that is not property - related people and not provided them.

The tithe is necessary to the preaching of the Gospel, so it will be until the end of time of grace.

Then we stop being tenants and will become part owners of the land, and the payment of tithes will stopped.

"And if you are Christ 's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise" (Gal 3.29).


It was in the days of the Patriarchs as Abraham and Jacob gave a tithe :

"Abraham gave him a tenth part of it all"  (Gen 14.20).

"From everything You will give me, I will give you a tenth of all"  (Gen 28.22).


It was mandatory for Israel before Christ.

"Every tithe... belongs to the Lord: it is a Holiness to the Lord" (Lev 27.30).


Jesus Christ also taught pay tithing even with herbal greens.



If anyone took tithes for personal use, according to the Law of Moses who is flailing with growth (percent) 20%, or one fifth of one (Lev 27.31).


Fidelity in tithing person confirms the fact that everything in the universe belongs to the Lord.

Who does not pay the tithe denies it, and thus can agree that Satan owns on Earth (Luke 4.6).



Tithes are using to :

- Gospel

- Other needs of the Church


The Levites received tithes, but has various voluntary and donate the gifts (Num 18.8-19).

The second tithings is actually donations.


But the first tithe (to levittes) of Israel second tithe was required to :

- The costs of annual holidays (Deut 12.17-19, 14.22-27)

- Holiday offering (Ex 23.14-17 , Deut 12.17-19)

- Part of the second tithe was fos levitte, stranger and orphan (Deut 12.19, 14.27-29)


Each Christian is encouraged to devote the second tithe on donations, alms to the poor, missions and Saturday school.


Funds to build the Temple and other buildings also gave the second tithe (Ex 25.1-8, 35.21-29 ; Ezra 1.5-6, 68-69).

Funds to repair the Temple also collected through voluntary donations (2 Kings 12.4-12).

Fixed costs in the Church were filled of the following tools :

- Redemption of money "in Exchange for his soul”, the direction given in the calculation of Israel (Ex 30.12-16).

- After the captivity of Israel was paying the expenses of the church every year, one-third of the shequel, or 18 cents (Neh 10.33).

Funds among the believers gathered at random (unpredictable) costs (Acts 11.27-30, 1 Cor 16.1-2).


Accordingly, it is recommended that in our days to resort to gifts and handouts.


Note :  Tithing and offerings will continue until the end of time of grace.

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