суббота, 3 августа 2024 г.




“And you, Daniel, hide these words and seal this book until the last time; many will read it, and knowledge will increase” (Dan 12.4).




To what extent did the growth of scientific knowledge correspond with the spread of knowledge of the prophecies of the book of Daniel among the people?

“During the period from 1800 to 1919, human society has changed more technically than in the previous 2000 years, one might even say - in 3000 years“ (Lucien Price, "Between Two Wans", chap.2, Religion in the Post-War World, vol.2, p.22).


“In a very short time, thanks to the use of steam and electricity, in a period equal to the life span of only two generations, more changes have occurred in technology than in all previous millennia of human history combined. The wheels and gears of machinery began to turn so fast that a person could cover such a distance in one day that would previously have taken him a lifetime” (Norman Cousins, Modern Man Is Obsolete [1945 ed.], pp.15,16).

In 1798, the steam mechanism became one of the latest technical innovations, a year earlier, lighting with the help of lighting gases and molds for casting iron plows were invented. At the same time, interesting laboratory experiments with electricity began to be carried out. The following is a list of some fundamentally new inventions and scientific discoveries since 1798 year (some dates are approximate) :

Fulton's invention of the first steamboat - 1803

Steam printing press - 1811

Steam railway - 1825

Mower and reaper - 1831

Electric telegraph - 1836

Vulcanizing rubber - 1839

Photograph - 1839

Anesthesia - 1846

Seeder - 1846

Bessemer method of pouring steel - 1856

Automatic weapons - 1861

Military ironclad - 1862

Typewriter - 1864

Pasteur's Theory on the Origin and Development of Microbes - 1864

Mendel's laws and genetics - 1865

Telephone - 1876

Gramophone - 1877

Electric railway - 1879

Electric incandescent lamp - 1879

Fuel engine - 1883

Steam turbine - 1884

Linotype - 1885

Car - 1892

Filming - 1893

X-rays - 1895

Wireless telegraph - 1895

Radium - 1898

Cordless telephone - 1902

First airplane - 1903

Broadcasting - 1920

Artificial Insulin - 1922

Television - 1936

Jet turbine - 1937

Penicillin - 1938

Ship radar - 1938

Theory of radioactive decay of Uranium - 1939

Nuclear weapons - 1945

Electronic computer - 1946

Laser - 1951

Synchrophasotron - 1952

Polio vaccine - 1953

Artificial satellite of the Earth - 1957

Photographs of the lunar surface - 1959

Manned flight into space - 1961

First spacewalk - 1965

Landing a man on the moon - 1969

Internet - 1969

Blogs - 1994

Genome decoding - 2000

Wikipedia - 2001

Social networks - 2004


What other signs indicate that we are living in the “end of times”?

Political, religious and intellectual freedom that has no analogues in history, the opportunity for the widest sections of society to receive education, population migration, parting with outdated ideas and views.

Note. By 1798, a period of revolutions had already begun in the West, “which continued throughout the nineteenth century and did not stop even in the twentieth century, which swept away the old social order and marked the beginning of a new era in the history of mankind. The Great French Revolution, which influenced the whole world and the course of human history, as well as revolutions in the countries of North and Latin America, preceded and greatly contributed to the establishment of a new political order of the world. In many countries, monarchical regimes were replaced by republics striving for democracy, and where monarchies survived, there, under the pressure of the working masses, more and more people's representatives entered the governments and executive bodies ... The Industrial Revolution marked the beginning of the era of machines. The population has increased. Cities grew rapidly, right before our eyes... More and more oriental goods appeared on the shelves of shops and shops in various countries of the world” (Kenneth Scott Latourette, The Christian Outloor [1948], pp.55,56).


Where are these advances leading the way?

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, as a testimony to all nations; and then the end will come” (Matthew 24.14).

Note. “Now, more than ever, there is a great opportunity to tell people around the world about the gospel, about salvation, and about eternal life. Many means of communication, such as radio, television, airplanes, and helicopters, added to the arsenal of means already available - printing presses, railroads, steamboats, and automobiles - have made it possible to reach the gospel message even to those who live in the most remote corners of the globe“ (ibid., pp. 200-201).

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