воскресенье, 18 августа 2024 г.




With the singing of believers here on earth, we first meet in Exodus 14.31, where the Israelites, after such an amazing deliverance by the Lord from the hand of the Egyptians when crossing the Black Sea, sang to the Almighty with common singing. In this case, they sang in turn, first all, and then a group with the accompaniment of musical instruments (Ex 15.20-21).

Moses already composed psalms - see Psalm 88. Under Samuel, there were choirs of singers with the accompaniment of musical instruments - (1 Samuel 10.5). David composed psalms from adolescence, and during his reign there was a well-organized choral singing. The 65 psalms indicate that they are intended for the head of the choir, that is, for communal use. On the eve of David's death, the choir that glorified the Lord, according to 1 Chron 23.5, consisted of 4000 participants, praising the Most High daily in the morning and evening (v.30). During the consecration of the temple, when 288 singers sang harmoniously and played musical instruments, the priests could not stay longer in the temple, as the temple was filled with a cloud of God's glory (2 Chron 5.12-13). By this God showed His favor for singing.

At that time there were also singing courses, because according to 1 Chronicles 25.7, singers were trained to sing before the Lord. The harmonious singing of the people of God won wide fame for itself, and when the Jews fell into Babylonian captivity, the Babylonians demanded that they sing to them something from the songs of Zion, but they did not want to sing in a foreign land (Ps 137). When they returned from captivity, their mouths were full of joy and singing (Ps 126.1-2). At the consecration of the second temple, the cheerful and harmonious singing of the young drowned out the bitter weeping of the old, and in general, singing comforted Israel during its greatest hardships in the Old Testament.

Both in the Old and in the New Testament, singing served as a means of glorifying the Almighty and a consolation during the most difficult and sad experiences. When the apostles were very saddened by the betrayal of their collaborator Judas, but through the revelation of the plan of salvation for all mankind, they were comforted by Jesus Christ, they felt prompted to glorify the Almighty with a song of praise - Matt 26.21-30.

Singing was practiced in all Christian communities in both the first and subsequent centuries. Ap. Paul says, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, with all wisdom; teach and admonish one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing in grace to the Lord in your hearts” (Col 3.16). Singing serves believers for edification. “Building up yourselves with psalms and spiritual songs, singing and singing in your hearts to the Lord” (Eph 5.19).

Looking at the last book of the Bible - Revelation - we see that each successive act in the completion of the work of salvation was accompanied by thunderous, all-encompassing and captivating singing. The saved, freed from earthly difficulties, who crossed all the world scenes at the beginning and at the end of the millennium, and, finally, feeling themselves in the long-awaited homeland, on the renewed earth, will also join that powerful impulse of glorifying the Almighty covering the entire universe. The touching song of the Lamb and Moses, which will be sung by those who conquered the beast, whose number is now being chosen, stands out with a special, extremely harmonious and attractive chord.



With what call does the psalmist close his songs of praise?

“Praise God in His holiness; praise him in the firmament of his strength. Praise Him according to His might, praise Him according to the multitude of His greatness. Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet, praise Him on the psalter and the harp. Praise Him with timbrel and lyric, praise Him on strings and organ. Praise Him with loud cymbals, praise Him with loud cymbals. Everything that breathes praise the Lord! Hallelujah“ (Ps 150).



What period of the history of the earth that we read about was accompanied by chants?

“Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth ... in the general rejoicing of the morning stars, when all the sons of God shouted for joy?“ (Job 38.4-7).



What did Israel do after they got rid of Egypt?

“Then Moses and the children of Israel sang this song to the Lord… The Lord is my strength and my glory, He was my salvation… and I will exalt Him” (Ex 14.31, 15.2).



How did the angels express their joy at the birth of Christ?

“And suddenly there appeared with an angel a numerous host of heaven, glorifying God and crying out: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, and goodwill toward men” (Luke 2.13-14).



How are we told to walk with the Lord?

“Serve the Lord with joy; go before Him with a cry!” (Ps100.2, see 2 Chronicles 29.30).



How, according to the psalmist, does God feel about such a service?

“I will praise the name of my God in song; I will exalt Him in praise. And it will be more pleasing to the Lord than an ox, than a calf with horns and hooves“ (Ps 69.31-32).



What counsel does Paul give regarding spiritual songs?

“Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly, with all wisdom; teach and admonish one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing in grace to the Lord in your hearts” (Col 3.16; see Eph 5.19, Jac 5.13, Ps 149.5-6).


Music, like poetry and flowers, purifies and elevates the soul; therefore it occupies a worthy place in worship and in the life of God's people. It satisfies all the needs of the human soul like nothing else. Just like prayer, music is best suited for worship.

“The Bible gives a lot of advice on how to use music and singing to glorify God. By perverting the purpose of music, the enemy uses it for his evil purposes and turns it into one of the most effective instruments of temptation. But properly used, it becomes a precious gift from God, designed to elevate thoughts, ennoble motives, inspire and uplift the soul. Just as the children of Israel, wandering in the wilderness, inspired themselves with music consisting of sacred songs, so today God calls His children to sing with joy as they wander through this world. There are few more effective means of fixing His words in memory than repeating them while singing. Such songs have miraculous power. They can conquer a rough, unennobled nature, enliven thoughts, arouse compassion, bring actions into line and expel darkness and forebodings that deprive a person of courage and strength” (E. White, “Education”, p.167-168).

“Oh, that we could sing in the morning and evening, and carry the song with us all along our path! Oh that we could put the song under our burden! Oh, that we could banish sorrow with song! Then all the terrible things would not seem so destructive. Sing in your homes, teach your children to sing. When adversity comes, greet it with singing. When you have grief, tame it with singing. Raise your voice of praise in your anxieties. Praise God in hymns; it will lift you above all trials. Try to overcome them. The chants that are sung in heaven and among God's people on earth are the most powerful means of expressing Christian feelings“ (Henry Beecher).



What musical instruments did John see in the hands of the redeemed in his vision?

“And I saw... and those who conquered... stand... holding the harp of God“ ( Rev 15.2).



What song did they sing?

“And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying: Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty! righteous and true are thy ways, O King of saints!” (Rev 15.3, see Ps 87.7).

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