четверг, 22 августа 2024 г.




Why should children obey their parents?

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right“ (Eph 6.1).



How should parents raise their children?

“And you, fathers, do not provoke your children, but bring them up in the teaching and admonition of the Lord” (Eph 6.4).



Why shouldn't fathers annoy their children?

“Fathers, do not irritate your children, lest they lose heart” (Col 3.21).



How can a mother unite the hearts of all family members together?

“He opens his mouth with wisdom, and gentle instruction is in her tongue” (Prov 31.26).

Note. “We can take over the hearts of our children if we support them, help them, bless them and take them with us to heaven” (Francis Morphy).



What is the attitude towards such a mother?

“Children stand up and bless (praise) her, - the husband, and praises her” (Prov 31.28).

Note. “Show me a loving husband, a worthy wife, good children, and I won't have to go anywhere to see a more pleasant picture. The family is the greatest of all institutions“ (Charles Spurgeon).



How faithfully should parents teach their children God's commandments and ordinances?

“And inspire them to your children and speak about them, sitting in your house and walking along the road, and lying down and getting up” (Deut 6.7).


“The home is the first school for children, and here the foundation is laid for a life of service. These principles must not be taught merely as theory. They need to be educated throughout their lives... Such education should be based on the word of God. Only in it are these principles given in their entirety. The Bible must be the foundation of our research and teaching. Vital knowledge is knowledge about God and about the One He sent” (E. White, "Family and Health", pp.72-75).

“Stay in what you have been taught and what you have been entrusted with, knowing by whom you have been taught; moreover, from childhood you know the sacred scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus” (2 Tim 3.14-15).

“The church within the church, the republic within the republic, the world within the world - all this can be called in one word - family! If the right order of things reigns there, then it will be right everywhere; if the order of things is wrong there, it will be wrong everywhere. The threshold of a dwelling house is the foundation of church and state… In other words, home life covers and clothes every other life… Today, tomorrow, and always have Christ in your home” (Telmage).



What is the main secret of a happy family life?

“Better is a dish of greens, and with it love, than a fattened bull, and with it hatred” (Prov 15.17).

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