was diverting the prisoner because it overstepped the law of God, fell into
idolatry and rejected the testimony of the prophets.
had probably the King of Assyria, and took hostage two-and-a-half knee in 740
B.C. (2 Kings 15.29, 1 Par 5.26). In 721 B.C., Assyrians took Samaria and took
the rest of the ten tribes into captivity (2 Kings 17.5-27, 18.9-12).
606 B.C., Nebuchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem and in 568 B.C. , destroyed it, and
thus put an end to the Jewish Kingdom. From 606 B.C. begins with 70-year-old capture
(2 Kings 24.1-6, Dan 1.1-3, 2 Par 36.11-17).
all ages the people of Israel were people who did not fall back from the truth;
they were called "the rest" (1 Kings 19.10,14,18 ; Is 1.9,10.20-22 ;
Mih 5.6-7; Rom 11.2-5).
through the prophets promised the return of Israelis in their country (Jer 25.11-12, 29.10 ; Dan 9.1-2,25 ; Is 44. 26-28).
the Persian Kings allowed and helped them to return and rebuild Jerusalem :
Cyrus -
537 B.C.
Darius -
519 B.C.ARTAXERXES - 457 B.C.
the time of initiation were brought sacrifices for each of the 12 tribes of the
dock called that from each tribe, were representatives of the initiation (Ezra
6.14-22, 8.35 ; Neh 7.73).
It was the first
gathering of the remainder of Israel faithful in captivity.
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