суббота, 22 апреля 2017 г.


For the proverb about the two sons followed by the parable of the vineyard. One of them, Christ presented before the Jewish teachers the importance of obedience. In another, he pointed out the rich blessings given to Israel, and through them revealed God's requirement of their obedience. He put before them the greatness of God's purpose, which could be implemented through their obedience. Lifting the veil from the future, he showed how by omission to carry out its purpose, the whole nation was deprived of his blessings and Samah brought on himself (That would be if they carried out its purpose? What is this purpose?).

"There was some master of the House", said Christ, "which, it carried the vineyard fence, dug in the ground, it built a tower and let it out to tenants, had gone.
For a description of this vineyard given by the Prophet Isaiah : "Praise to my beloved a song of My Beloved of His Vineyard. My Boyfriend had a vineyard on the top of mountain. And He carried his fence, and cleaned it from stones, and it planted selected vines, and built a tower in the midst of it, and digged it sharpened, and expect that he will bring good, and he brought the wild berries.
The owner shall elect a piece of land in the wild country; He make his fence, clears, to plough his and plants his choicest vines, waiting for abundant harvest. He expects that this small plot of land in their superiority before untreated desolate, make him honor, showing the results of its concerns and its processing labour. So God chose people from the world, in order for it to be prepared and taught by Christ. The Prophet said: "the Lord of hosts is the vineyard House of Israel, and the men of Judah-favorite planting It. The people God has given great benefits richly blessing on abundant goodness. It is expected that they will pay honor to His piece of fruit. They had to present the character of God fallen, wicked world (Same Issue).

As a vineyard of God, they had to produce fruit, completely different from the fruit of the pagan peoples. These idolatrous peoples betrayed themselves cause mischief. Violence and crime, greed, oppression and other bad deeds gouging without retention. Lawlessness, decadence and calamity were the fruits of affected wood. Remarkable contrast were supposed to represent themselves, the fruits brought by God's grape plantings.
The privilege of the Jewish nation was to represent the character of God as it was unveiled to Moses. In answer to the prayer of Moses: "show me your glory, Lord promised:" I will make thee all My glory. "And the Lord passed before him and cried out: the Lord, the Lord, the God of human and merciful, to anger and true, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving births and crime and sin. This was the fruit of which God wanted from its people. In the purity of their characters in holiness of their lives, in their goodness and loving kindness and compassion, they had to show that the law of the Lord committed strengthens the soul(Whether the person could bring to life?).

The purpose of God was through the Jewish people to give rich blessings to all peoples. Through Israel had to be prepared the way for the spread of his light to the world. By following their perverted habits, the peoples of the world have lost the knowledge of God. But still, in his goodness, God is not struck out them out of existence. He had intended to give them an opportunity to get to know him through his blood. It is predestined that principles, open through his people, were supposed to be the recovery tools in the moral image of God in man (Could state Israel embody the character of Christ in himself and convert other peoples?).

To this end, God caused Abraham from his idols kind and commanded him to live in the land of Canaan. "I will make of thee a great nation," he said, "and I will bless thee, and thy name is great, and you will be a blessing.

Descendants of Abraham, Jacob and his posterity were brought into Egypt, to, in the midst of his numerous and ungodly people, they can open the principles of the Kingdom of God. Honesty of Joseph and his wonderful work on the preservation of the lives of all the Egyptian people were a representation of the life of Christ. Moses and many others were witnessing for God. When the withdrawal of Israel from Egypt the Lord again showed his power and His goodness.
His wonderful deeds in relieving them from captivity, and his treatment of them during the journey through the desert, were not only for the well-being of their ones. They should have been clear lessons for the surrounding peoples. The Lord revealed himself to God who is above all human power and Majesty. Signs and wonders performed by them for his people, showed his strength above the forces of nature and the greatest of those who worshipped nature. God went through a proud country of Egypt as he will be on the ground in recent days. Fire and storm, earthquake, and the death of the great "I am" has redeemed his people. He took them out of the country the captivity.

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