вторник, 28 марта 2017 г.


SIN IS LAWLESSNESS, a violation of it (1 Jonn 3.4).

"Sin is not taken into account where there is no Law" (Rom 3.23). Therefore, wherever there is sin, there is a moral Law, binding on all.


As sin is incriminated  to  ALL MEN after sin-falling, the LAW IS MANDATORY for all people to this day.


The Law of God existed before the Exodus :

"Because Abraham obeyed my voice, and comply with, that I have been commanded to observe My commandments, statutes: My commandments and MY LAWS" (Gen 26.5).


The Law is the same for all nations, because : "Because we have already proven that both Jews and Greeks, are under sin, as it is written: "THERE IS NONE RIGHTEOUS, NO..." " (Rom 3.9-10).


You should observe all the commandments, WITHOUT EXCEPTION. "Who keep the whole Law, and yet offend in one something, he is guilty of all" (Jac 2.1).


All must worship God in the sanctuary on the same Sabbath day : "And the sons of the foreigners who have joined the Lord, to serve him, and to love the name of the Lord, to be His servants, EVERY STORE SATURDAY FROM DESECRATION AND FIRMLY KEPT MY COVENANT" (Is 56.6).

"I will give them an EVERLASTING NAME, that is not that shall be destroyed" (v.5).

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