воскресенье, 15 сентября 2024 г.




Before the crucifixion of Christ faith in it was sacrifice, after Him, in flashback, indicating His death. Belief in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ in BAPTISM (Rom 6.3-8, Col 2.12, Gal 3.27).

This ceremony takes place in the old testament times (Lev 14.6-9, 6.4; Zach 13.1, Num 19.17-19, Ps 50.9, 2 Kings 5.1-14).


Before baptism, you must :

1. KNOWLEDGE  - be rifle in the Gospel (Matt 28.19, Mark 16.15-16,  Acts 8.34).

2. FAITH - faith in Christ (Mark 16.16; Acts 8.12, 36-37).

3. REPENTANCE - ask and plead a sinner (Acts 2.37-38, 3.19).


Baptism  (greek  "baptizo") means "to immerse".

To be baptized is possible only where there are "many waters" (John 3.23).

Baptism means the following :

1. Go into the water (Acts 8.38).

2. IMMERSE in water (Acts 8.38, Rom 6.3-5).

3. Get out of the water (Acts 8.39, Matt 3.16).


The baptism is in the name of (and NOT in the names) of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matt 28,19) :

- in the name of Father is from then God becomes our Father (but not Satan - John 8.44), and that we wish to become His obedient children (1 Pet 1,14,15.22).

- in the name of His Son means that Christ is A Savior and His teaching It is a common rule of life (Acts 4.12).

- in the name of Holy Spirit, then, to listen to and obey the Spirit in everything and believe in His gifts (John 14.16-17, 26; 16.7-13).


Baptism is the remembrance of Christ's death, burial and resurrection and is an expression of faith in Him (Col 2.12, Rom 6.3-6).


Washing of feet


Jesus washed the feet of his disciples at the last Passover  (John 13.1-12).

His intent was to teach them humility, faith, and obedience  (John 13.12-16).

He told them to follow his example and wash each other's feet  (John 13.14-15).

This custom was the first Christians :

"Known for her good deeds, if she have brought up children, hosted a piligrims, WASHED the FEET of the HOLY, helping a struggling and was ardent by a combination of the good cause"  (1 Tim 5.10).

All perpetrators of this rite promised blessings (John 13.15-17).

As Jesus commanded his disciples to observe everything that he commanded (Matt 28.19-20). This includes the washing of the feet.


The Lord's Supper


After washing the feet and after the Paschal supper (custody) Jesus established a rite of the Lord's Supper  (Matt  26.26-29, Mark 14.22-25).

Refracted bread symbolizes the body of Christ, and the Bowl - His blood  (1 Cor 11.24-25).   As in the Old Testament Passover, bread should be insipid, and wine - alcohol free, for yeast and the fermentation is a symbol of sin (1 Cor 5.7-8).

The ritual Supper is remembering the suffering of Christ and his death for sinners and will be committed to the second coming (and washing of the feet) and the moment when will a wedding feast in the sky (Is 25.6-9,  Luke 14.15,  Rev 19.9).

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