вторник, 24 марта 2020 г.


No servant can serve two masters, for one another, and will hate to love, or will hold, and despise the other.

Luke 16.13

People who applied to God, can only be a SERVANT of GOD and Director of his will. No other commandments and the credibility of the Christian should not.

So I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a sacrifice by firstly, Holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service, and do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the century renewal of your mind that you know what the will of GOD, the good and ACCEPTABLE and perfect.

Rom 12.1-2

The will of God expressed in Decalogue. It, like the ten commandments, thus not will be changed.

With God's help every Christian should observe the law of God. At the heart of it

is the fourth commandment concerning the Sabbath observance of the day.

However, most Christians, despite the fact that "remember the Sabbath day", believed to celebrate the first day of the week - Sunday instead of Saturday.


Take place in Scripture where it says on the first day of the week.


Saying goodbye to the disciples, Christ commanded them to disseminate His teachings and teach what he has commanded  ( Matthew 28.18-20 ).  If the New Testament should be obeyed to give Sunday, he would have said about this.

In a few places (in the New Testament only 8 times) refers to the first day of the week, and the apparition of the risen Christ to his disciples ( Mark 16.9, John 20.9 ). BUT NOWHERE says that He commanded to celebrate Sunday instead of Saturday.

On the evening of the Lord, he said: "this do in remembrance of Me". ON THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK HE IS NOT SAYING.

Therefore remains in effect the fourth commandment:


In Acts 20.7-8 speaks of meeting on the first day of the week. But they were not then AS USUAL; This was an exceptional meeting because of Paul's intentions to be reborn the next day. In the book of Acts mentioned 84 meetings taking place in Saturday ( chapters 13, 16, 17, 18 ).

In  1 Cor 16.2  refers to the adjournment of the first day of the week. These tools had to be put off and store at home. This principle applies and now:

that people have donated to the mission, it is necessary to notify in advance. Because the first proposed salary delay for the work of God:

Honor the Lord of the Manor and the choicest of all your revenues.

Proverbs 3.9

But there is no mention of a celebration Sunday.

The verse has been translated in Russian - Revelation 1.10 - "I was in the spirit on the day of Sunday". THIS INAPPROPRIATE CONTAINERS for THESE - translation in the original said "Lord's day" ( Greek. «kiriake hemere»).

The Scripture clearly states that the Lord's day is Saturday ( Is 58.13 ).


Who obeys the most people?

So, careful study of Scripture we find the command on the day of Sunday. THIS IS JUST ONE OF THE SIX WORKING DAYS. Would otherwise be special instructions about this day. THEY are ONLY on the SABBATH             ( Exodus 25-16.22, 20.8-11 ; Lev 23.3, Luke 4.16, Rev 22.14 ).

They are only in the history of the Church.

No ecclesiastical writer of the first three centuries not claimed NOR Christ, NOR the APOSTLES set on Sunday afternoon. Centuries passed by Christians era before started to Sunday as Sabbath ( Domvil ).

Here is what writes the historian Robertson about the certificate of Tertullian (166-230):

The first certificate of termination of the worldly pursuits in the Lord's day ( here has in mind Sunday ) found in Tertullian. A separate celebration Sunday afternoon in the East belongs to the 4th century ( history of the Church, vol. 1, pp. 156-157 ).

The historian Neandera certificate:

The celebration of the first day of the week, like all other festivals, has always been a HUMAN-ORIENTED. The Apostles had no intention to install them, it's THEM and NOT COME to MIND. The early Apostolic Church and never thought to change Saturday on the DAY of the SUN, named SUNDAY. Did it The Roman Emperor Constantine in 321.

The LaodikishCathedral in 364, the Sabbath was forbidden, and those who will save it were anathema and other punishments - fines, corporal punishment, etc.

From the above follows that the celebration of the first day of the week is LOVABLE, and HUMAN ORIGIN.


Now we have to decide: to obey God's law or regulation?

Be on the right or on the left side?

Good prophesied of you hypocrites, Isaiah ... These people honor Me with their heart far from Me, but in vain they honor Me, teaching teachings of human.

Mark 7.6-7

If you love Me, keep My commandments.

John 14.15

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