понедельник, 23 марта 2020 г.


Our Earth resembles a huge orphan House, where we often feel lonely and uncomfortable.


Jesus said that anyone who would devote himself to God, perhaps orphaning ( Matthew 19.28-29 ). The Apostle Paul says about it:

Because you have not accepted the spirit of slavery to again live in fear, but took the spirit of adoption, Whereby we cry, "Abba, father!" the selfsame Spirit reflects the spirit of instrumental, that we are children of God. And if children, then heirs, heirs of God, HEIRS of the same Christ, if only with him and become famous.

Romans 8.15-17

To do this, step by step to follow in the footsteps of the great teacher and Savior Jesus Christ ( John 8.12, 12.26 ).

In the footsteps of Christ

Christ, living among the people, KEPT the SABBATH DAY ( Luke 4.16, 19.31 ).

In many other places, the Gospel says that the Sabbath days of Christ in the synagogues, teaching and mentoring, as well as healing them. It is said that in the days of Christ, the Sabbath day has become a day of special blessing of God.

Christ said that we can and need to heal from the bonds of the devil on the Sabbath day ( Luke 13.10-17 ).  It is clear that Saturday highlighted to demonstrate the power of God to suffering people.

Christ is Lord of the Sabbath, which is for the BENEFIT of MAN
( Mark 2.27-28 ). People have distorted its meaning, but the true value in a State rehabilitation resume.

Since everything was created by Christ ( Hebrews 1.1-2, 1.16 ), and Saturday to Lena.

The Sabbath day is separated from the rest of the days of the week when the creation ( Gen 2.2-3 ).

When God rested on the seventh day, blessed and sanctified it, he showed the example of the man.

For Eternal Lord does not get tired, weak and needs rest. But he knew that we are going to need to rest, so blessed and sanctified the seventh day for us ( Is 40.28 ).

According to the Scriptures, the seventh day of the week is the Sabbath ( Exodus 20.8-11 ).

The words "remember the Sabbath day" indicate that the Lord even earlier, from creating, committing people to observe the Sabbath day.

IN THIS COMMANDMENT OF GOD EXPRESSES HIS CONCERN AND LOVE FOR ALL LIU-DÂM ALL CLASSES. Because everyone needs a day of rest and recreation. Man this is complete as given to man remembered and knew his Lord and creator, created the huge world for us to live in six days.

The Prophet Isaiah had the word of the Lord on the observance of Sabbath  ( Isaiah 14-58.13 ).

The assertion that Saturday only for Jews, has no reason to, because in ancient times Pagans joining Israelis observe Sabbath  ( Isaiah 56.6-7 ) :

My House will called House of prayer for all peoples.

Christ calls come to the representatives of all peoples, and this means compliance-give with faith the commandments of God  ( Matt 11.28-29 ).

On Saturday you can do good works, as shown on the example of Christ's sheep, fallen into the pit ( Mark 12.10-12 ).

Compliance order Saturday in antiquity:

Six days you can make the case, and in the seventh day Sabbath of rest, a sacred Assembly; any case not do; This Saturday the Lord in all your dwellings.

Leviticus 23.3

And Moses said to them: that's what the Lord said: tomorrow is the rest, a holy Sabbath to the Lord; that are oven, bake, and that I must Cook today (Friday), and that will remain set aside and save.

Exodus 16.23

This means that on Saturday to leave their daily business, but doing good (Affairs) legitimately in the Sabbath day, because FACILITATES HUMAN SUFFERING and fill the SOUL with a SENSE of gratitude.

There are cases that are not valid on Saturday:

In those days I saw in Judea, which on Saturday were treaded winepress, carry the sheaves and load asses wine, grapes, figs and every cargo, and taken in Sabbath day in Jerusalem. And I strongly chastised them the same day sold edibles. And Tirians lived in Judea and brought fish and every product and sold on Saturday residents of Judea and in Jerusalem. And I did reprimand nobles of the Jews and said to them: why are you doing such evil and DESECRATE the SABBATH DAY?

Nehemiah 13.15-17

Thus, the MUNDANE work is considered evil, if committed on Saturday.

Jesus told His disciples that they should pray that their flight is not happened "in the winter or on the Sabbath" ( Mt 24.20 ).

Our observance of the fourth commandment must emanate FROM FEELINGS of LOVE to God

( John 14.15-21 ).

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