воскресенье, 1 сентября 2024 г.




At the heart of any uprising is discontent with the Board or the Board's laws, which in this case is unjust and onerous.

The uprising always begins with one or more subjects.

Hellraiser assures that aims to correct the position of the change of Government and the revision of laws, it follows that he considers himself more familiar with laws and could manage better than anyone on the throne - it more than the Governor.

He recruited followers and when he feels strong enough, trying to topple the existing Government and form a new, supposedly the best laws.

Finally, Hellraiser, toppling power and it runs the risk of all; If it is not successful - all it lost.

The only way to prove that it is able to improve the existing rights of - get the opportunity and time to carry out their ideas to life by showing the benefits of his reign.


The uprising commonly discredited the deposed ruler in the eyes of his former subjects are caught not able to rule or as a tyrant and not - fair.



Rational beings must be created with free will and must freely choose, serve God or not; otherwise they will be unable to develop independent.

One of the most high Cherubim refused to obey God's rule, and began a rebellion, which was that he raised himself above the creator of Christ and to God (the Father) :

"And said in my heart: I will ascend into heaven... at the height of the cloud, going beneath Ben God" (Isaiah 14.13-14).


The rebellion of Satan has flouted God's Law :

a) making himself equal with God, has broken the first commandment;

b) being the creation and putting themselves become over others, it violated the principle of equality of creations: "You don't call yourself teachers, for you have one teacher, the Christ, all of you are brothers. And the father himself did not call anyone on Earth, for you have one Father. And not call yourself as mentors..." (Matt 23.8-10).


"Satan felt that God Jehovah is wrong with laws and administration on the inhabitants of heaven, and that he wished to correct these laws and show that looks good" ("The Great Controversy").

This he argues :

a) he versed more of God, then God is not omniscient and omnipotent;

b) therefore God cannot be fair and compassionate, and He - the tyrant.

Satan has achieved his goal. Many people began to consider God strict and tyrannical.


 Therefore, God allowed Satan to demonstrate his claims and their results. His own work as a deceiver should have condemned him.

A third of the angels were involved in the rebellion by Satan. Because of the rebellion and war in heaven, Satan and his angels were finally cast out of heaven :

"His tail carried away a third of the stars from the sky and threw them to the ground" (Rev 12.4).

 "And there was war in heaven... the dragon and his angels fought against them, but they could not stand, and there was no longer room for them in heaven" (vv.7-8).


   After the expulsion from heaven Satan tries to engage in rebellion person and the basis to his Kingdom on Earth. He successfully introduced the man and he didn't inspire a God and listen to him, Satan.


   So man became a power to Satan, his subjects, and the land became the territory of the uprising (Genesis 3).

a) yielding to the temptation of Satan, he broke the I-st commandment

b) wishing the forbidden fruit, it violated the X-th commandment

c) the forbidden fruit picking) he stole and broke the VIII-th commandment

d) with trying from the forbidden fruit he brought death into the world and broke the VI-th commandment (thou shalt not kill)


   Satan suspended sentence (the wages of sin is death) and promised them a life, if you will obey him: “And the serpent said: no, not die" (Gen 3.4).


   Thus, Satan became Prince, the ruler of the land.

"And he said to him (Christ) the devil: do you give power over all the kingdoms and its glories, as it made me, and I, who want to give it" (Luke 4.6).

"I already have a little talk with you; because the Prince of this world is..." (John 14.30).


   He is also the God and father of the land.

"If the Gospel is closed and closed to the dying, where the God of this age has blinded the minds" (2 Cor 4.3-4).

"Your father the devil, and you want to perform the lust of your father. He was a man-killer from the start and not stood in the truth, because there is no truth in it. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own, for he is a liar and the father of lies. But as I tell the truth, you don't believe Me" (John 8.44-45).


Rebellion against the law of God in the sky can be seen in the revolt, which continue to be investigated on the ground.

Satan was "a liar and a murderer from the beginning" (John 8.44) and this proves what he and his angels were violating the law in heaven.

It induces people to disobey God, sin and lusts, sought to inspire human violate God's laws, for example, about the food (Gen 2.16-17, Deut 14.3), consumption of which is harmful.

He inspires all to believe that you can be holy, breaking the law. But it is written, "you to remember my commandments and Holy before God your" (Num 15.40).

He said that those who say a lie, steal and commit adultery, "made" to do so. Disclaimer: "How! You steal, kill and make adultery and serve the Baal and then come before my (in sanctuary) and say "we are saved”  to once again do all these abominations?" (Jer 7.9-10). The wicked sin of their choice.

Satan makes sure that commits sin is loose, but said: "whoever commits sin is a slave of sin" (John 8.32). "THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE" (v.32). "If the son frees you, the true free will" (v. 36).

He wishes that all recognized him as ruler and the God of this world, and that everything belongs to him (Luke 4.6). He sought to torture and kill the best of his subjects (the world). From here, you can see that the worst of the tyrants and man must renounce the world.


From the above it is clear that Satan is the cruel tyrannical ruler and the Antichrist, beyond the law.

Satan : Leviathan (Ex 27.1), serpent and Dragon (Rev 12.9), Beelzebul (Matt12.24), Veliar (2 Cor 6.15), the tempter (Matt 4.3), the opponent (1 Pet 5.8), Prince of this world (John 14.30).

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