суббота, 31 августа 2024 г.




All of God's creation is subject to known laws. For example, all combinations of inanimate matter are subject to the law of definite proportions.

Plants are subject to certain laws. Some grow in the Earth, the other in the water. Some live in the cold zone, others in the moderate third - in hot. If suddenly change Habitat plants, it will die, as in this case, the tea would violate the law.

Animals also are subject to the laws of nature. These laws also identified habitats. To live and grow, animals must comply with these laws.

Man as God's creation is also obliged to obey the laws of nature and the laws of morality.


Harmony creations depends on better coordination of all beings and all that is animate and non-animate with the laws of the creator. God chose laws not only for the management of all living beings, but also all environmental actions. Everything is subject to certain laws, which no one can bypass. While everything in nature is governed by the laws of nature, THE LAW OF MORALITY IS ONLY A MAN.


The word of God was the beginning of the law (and relations).


With the creation of intelligent beings were born and relationships that existed in the intention of God, and then there were in Decalogue :


a) the relationship between God and human beings (Ex 20.2-11).

b) human relations (Ex 32.1-17)


Law as a consequence of these relationships CANNOT BE MODIFIED neither God nor human beings (Matt 5.17-19, Luke 16.17).


As Father and Son were united in creation, they are united and in the formulation of these from carriage. Therefore, the Law comes from them (John 1.1-3, Heb 1.1-2).


Intelligent creatures are fully subject to the Law, with the exception of the conduct and morality. IN DOING SO, THEY GIVEN FREEDOM.


God Himself has said He wrote His Law, and therefore it is the Law of God (Ex 20.1, Deut 4.12-23).


The first four commandments provide duty of man towards his Creator:

I. Prohibition of worshipping something what God created and worship one God.

II. Prohibition of the worship of images - the works of human hands - instead of reverence for God.

III. Demand respect and reverence for God.

IV. Use of time: six days for work and seventh (Saturday) rest and worship the creator.

The remaining six commandments define the duty of man to man:

V. Duty of children to their parents (as well as to the authorities and to the authorities).

VI. Protection of life.

VII. Family Fun.

VIII. Protection of property.

IX. The prohibition to speak a lie.

X. Prohibition of envy (wish the middle).


The first four commandments based on the love to God, and the last six in the love to one's neighbor.


One copy of the Law remained in the Ark in the earthly Sanctuary (Deut 10.1-5).

The original Law is preserved in the Temple of heaven. "And then the Temple of God in heaven, and then the Ark of the Covenant" (Rev 11.19).

The ten commandments should learn by heart (Deut 6.6).


The punishment is a consequence of violations of the laws of nature and the morals. This is true for both plants and animals (beryl) and human (suffering from the impact). For each deviation or violation of the law of nature he must endure the inevitable punishment. The same is true for morality.

The penalty was that the wickedness will reward them and their children in this life (Exodus 20.5).

-  No days, nor life, nor the possession of those who do not obey God's law (v.12).

The blessings promised for the obedience is first of all blessings in this life to all who love and respect the commandments (Exodus 20.6). Second, long live in being and in the possession of the land (v.12).


The will of God expressed in the Act, is in the heavens and the Earth, the investigator, but His Act the same on other planets (Matthew 6.10). NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO VIOLATE AND MODIFY IT.


Factors of the Kingdom :

- Territory

- Subjects

- Law

- Ruler

- Throne


Evidence that the world belongs to the Kingdom of God :

1. God created the Earth - territory, so it belongs to Him.

"For My whole land" (Ex 18.9).

2. God created man, so people are citizens of His Kingdom.

"So God created man" (Gen 1.27).

3. God as Creator has a natural right to rule, and He therefore gave a dramatic act of His reign - the Ten Commandments.

"God hath spoken and all these words..." (Ex 20.1).

4. As the creator, He shall have the right to control and other intelligent existence you. God is the ruler.

"Kingdom It all has" (Ps 102.19).

5. His throne in heaven, the third Heaven (yet).

"I know a man in Christ who... entranced was up to the third heaven, in paradise" (2 Cor 12.2-4). "And He showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as Crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb" (Rev 22.1).


All the worlds depend on it, subject to Him: therefore rejoice, o heavens, and there they were! (Rev 12.12).

Only true God has the right to govern the universe, and that is because He is the creator of everything in the universe.

Those who were unwilling to submit to His authority and for opposing humans His law condemned to destruction. "For behold, all souls are mine... the soul thus will die" (Ezek 18.4).

"Do not leave... neither root nor branch" (Mal 4.1).


"Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the Foundation of the world. And go... the righteous into life eternal" (Matt 25.34,36).

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