of God's creation is subject to known laws. For example, all combinations of
inanimate matter are subject to the law of definite proportions.
are subject to certain laws. Some grow in the Earth, the other in the water.
Some live in the cold zone, others in the moderate third-in hot. If suddenly
change Habitat plants, it will die, as in this case, the tea would violate the
also are subject to the laws of nature. These laws also identified habitats. To
live and grow, animals must comply with these laws.
as God's creation is also obliged to obey the laws of nature and the laws of
creations depends on better coordination of all beings and all that is animate
and non-animate with the laws of the creator. God chose laws not only for the
management of all living beings, but also all environmental actions. Everything
is subject to certain laws, which no one can bypass. While everything in nature
is governed by the laws of nature, THE LAW OF MORALITY IS ONLY A MAN.
The word of God was the beginning of the law (and relations).
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